Chapter Eleven

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"I know this day is very hard for everyone. Henry King's death left us with so many questions. I know we all want answers. But today we're here to come together...and remember the life of a truly remarkable young man." The woman said from the podium as everyone sat in the auditorium to mourn Henry. "To begin, I'd like to introduce the man who knew him best. Henry's father, Dr. King."

"Thank you Ms. Patterson. And thank you all for coming. I can feel the love in this room for Henry." Henry's father started.

Later, as they exited the auditorium, Dinah was grabbed by Cameron.

"Hey. Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not. I've been busy. And then Henry died and I've been a little busy grieving."

"I didn't realize you two were close."

"We got close right before his death. He apologized to Yolonda and everything got cleared up."

"I see. Well do you want to hang out tonight?"

Dinah looked back at her friends, Cameron taking notice of that.

"I get it. You don't want to hang with me. Go hang out with your new friends." He said as he started walking off.

"Cam." She said, calling after him. She let out a sigh and walked up to her friends.

After school, Dinah, Rick, and Beth went to Pat's garage. Rick was looking through his dad's journal, Dinah was doing homework, and Beth was sitting in a car Pat was fixing when Pat walked in.

"Hey Mr. Dugan. Cool car." Beth said.

"Pat." Rick said, looking up from his journal.

"Hey Pat." Dinah called out as she finished up a math problem.

"Look I need to talk to the three of you okay? Wait, where's Yolonda?"

"She wanted to go to church. To pray for Henry." Beth said.

"I'm getting closer to this Pat." Rick said holding up the journal. "I've read every dumb chemistry book in school-"

"Rick, that's great. I'm sorry to interrupt you."

"Where's Courtney?" Beth asked.

"Her father's here." Pat replied.

"Starman's here? Alive?" Beth asked.

"Then he can help." Rick added.

"Except Starman's not her father." Dinah called out as she did her last math problem.

"Stripsey." A man's voice called out.

"Oh, that's our janitor." Beth said.

"Why is he carrying a sword?" Rick asked.

"Stripsey I...I need your help."

He started trying to attack them.

"Stay back!" Pat told the three teens.

Rick started to walk forward but Pat stopped him.

"Wait...I know this guy. Justin, is that you?" Pat asked.

"You know this guy?" Rick asked.

"Wait...Justin? Why does that sound familiar?" Dinah asked.

"Stripsey? I need your help. I'm not well."

Pat sat Justin down and showed the teens a picture, explaining who he was.

"He's the Shining Knight? The leader of the Seven Soldiers of Victory?"

"I knew that name sounded familiar. My dad talked about Justin sometimes." Dinah said.

Pat showed Justin the picture, trying to get Justin to remember who he was.

"Pat, are you sure about this?" Rick asked. "He tried to kill you with a sword."

"Excalibur." Justin said.

"Yeah. Right." Rick responded.

"That's the name of the sword." Dinah said. "Like from the stories of King Arthur."

"Pat, do you actually believe this guy?" Rick asked.

"Yeah. I do. Can you take that for me?" Pat asked, handing Rick the sword.

"Justin, can you tell me how you got here? To Blue Valley?"

Justin began telling the story of how he had got to Blue Valley.

Later that evening, Dinah was practicing in her gym when she got a call from Courtney.

"Dinah." She heard Courtney choke out. "The staff's not working. It knows I'm not Starman's daughter. It doesn't want me anymore."

"Hey, hey. Calm down. It's going to be okay. Listen, the staff chose you Courtney. I knew from the beginning that you weren't Starman's daughter, but you proved yourself worthy of holding the staff. The staff knew that too Court. It doesn't work for anyone except you. Yes it worked for Sylvester but he's gone now. The staff chose you to replace him."

"I can't get it to work now though."

"You just have to focus Courtney. Believe that you are worthy of holding it. You believed you were worthy because you thought you were a legacy, but now that you know you're not, you need to believe that you are worthy to hold the staff because of how good of a person you are. You are Stargirl Courtney. You deserve that staff. You've proven it."

"Thank you Di. Really. I'm going to try to get it to work again."

"Okay. And Courtney?"


"I'm glad I saw you that night using the staff and forced you to work with me." Dinah said with a smile, earning a chuckle from Courtney.

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