"Rick, remember how my family and your's always hung out when we were little? Didn't you ever wonder how they knew each other? Rick, your dad was Hourman and my mom was Black Canary and my dad helped them behind the scenes."

"No offense but I really don't want to hear anything coming out of your mouth Dinah."

Dinah looked taken aback for a second then took a deep breath and spoke. "Rick, I never wanted our friendship to end, nevertheless like it did. That night of your parents' accident, my dad and I showed up at your house to be with you but your uncle stopped us and threatened my dad if we went anywhere near either of you guys." Dinah said, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she choked out. "I'm so sorry Rick. For everything."

Rick was quiet for a moment as he looked at the ground, then looked up at Courtney.

"So you're Stargirl." He said as he switched his gaze to Yolonda. "And you're..."

"Wildcat." Yolonda interjected.

"Right. And she's?" Rick asked, nodding towards Beth.

"Just borrowing those for the night." Yolonda replied.

"Right. So what can this magical hourglass do exactly?"

"It's science. Your dad invented it. It gave him super strength for one hour a day." Beth answered.

"One hour? So the other twenty-three hours he was just some dude?"

"Not just some dude. He was a brilliant chemist Rick. That hourglass only worked for him and was tied to his DNA, meaning it's tied to your's too." Dinah replied.

"How do you turn it on?"

"You turn it over." Beth replied.

Rick put the hourglass on, as he felt the power begin to surge through him.

"So super strength huh?" He asked.

Dinah nodded.

Rick picked up a barrel and proceeded to crush it.

Courtney, Yolonda, and Beth stepped back, while Dinah nodded letting out an impressed "huh."

"You really shouldn't be testing your powers out in public. Our identities are..."

"Protecting them is Superhero 101." Beth finished. "And you need a costume. Technically we all do but since it's Halloween."

"I'm not wearing a stupid costume. You guys, do whatever you want but I'm doing my own thing."

"Hey, you can't just take the hourglass like that." Courtney said as Rick started walking away.

"Yes I can! It was my dad's right? Now it's mine." Rick said as he walked away.

"Congrats. You just made the biggest delinquent in school an unstoppable beast." Yolonda said.

"I'm not giving up. I believe we can still get through to him." Courtney said.

"I'm with Courtney on this one." Dinah said.

"How do we get him to listen?" Yolonda asked.

"Not looking like this." Courtney replied.

"Let's suit up." Beth said excitedly.

"Thanks Beth, but we'll take it from here." Courtney said.

"Rick?" Dinah called out.

"We just want to talk." Courtney added as the three of them approached Rick.

"Look, I'm not playing fairy princess tea time with the three of you."

"I understand." Courtney said.

"What do you understand? My parents hit a tree and died. What grand plan of God's was that?"

"It wasn't his plan." Yolonda said.

"Then who do I blame?" Rick yelled. "Do you know what it's like to be so filled up with anger that you feel like you're poisoning yourself? Do you?"

"Rick I-" Dinah said as she approached Rick.

"I want to hit something, anything, all the time. Every second. Do you think I like that? I hate feeling this way."

"Rick, I felt like that for a while after my mom was killed by the ISA. I understand how you feel. You just have to work through that anger."

"Just shut up Dinah." Rick snapped. "I don't want to hear from you. You abandoned me when I needed you!"

"Would you listen to me for a second Rick?!" Dinah yelled back. "Your uncle didn't like the fact that your dad dragged your mom into trouble. After they died, we came to your house to be with you because I knew what you were going through. But your uncle opened the door and yelled at my dad about how he despised him, my mom, and your dad for dragging her into their mess. He said we weren't allowed at your house or to speak to him or you again. Do you think that was easy for me Rick? Huh? To leave my best friend? Especially when he needed me? For nine years, all I've wanted to do is run up to you and hug you like nothing has changed. But I knew I couldn't." Dinah finished, as tears ran down her face.

"My dad was Starman. Even though I only met him a few times, I feel cheated. But now I get to keep his legacy alive and so does Dinah. And you can too. You can be a hero like your dad. Hourman. It's your choice."

"My choice?" Rick asked. He let out a scream as he punched the tree and it fell. "When have I ever had a choice? Be a hero like my dad? My dad's dead."

"Hey guys, come on let's go." Yolonda said.

"No. I can't let you keep that hourglass. Not when you're like this." Courtney said, pointing the staff at Rick.

"Oh yeah? Try and take it." Rick said as he approached the girls.

"Rick! Wait!" Beth said running up to the group.

"It wasn't an accident."

"What?" Both Dinah and Rick asked.

"They were murdered."

"They crashed right here in this tree and-"

"No." Beth interrupted. "Dr. McNider says it wasn't the tree that killed them. He says he can show us?" Beth said confused as she moved her head so the goggles could project.

A projection played of their car going down the road when something comes out of nowhere and hits the car, sending it into the tree.

"Chuck calls it Solomon Grundy."

Dinah let out a gasp and tears streamed down her face. "Oh my god. Rick."

Beth let out a shaky breath as she took the goggles off.

"You okay?" Courtney asked her.

"Yeah. It was just so scary."

"Your parents...I'm betting they were killed by the same people that killed my dad and Dinah's mom." Courtney said.

"Who?" Rick asked.

"They go by the ISA. That's all we know." Dinah said.

"They're in Blue Valley. They're the reason I'm putting together this new team." Courtney added. "To get justice. For my dad, your parents, Dinah's mom, all of the JSA."

"I'll do it." Rick said. "But I don't want justice Courtney. I want revenge."

Immortals (Rick Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now