But then it all comes crashing down

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3rd person

       That night Amanda pulled up to Liz's house and walked up to the front door. She was about to knock when Liz opened the door, having been waiting there for some time now, too nervous to do anything else. "Hello m'lady ready for an extraordinary outing?" Amanda asked in a fake British accent kissing Liz's hand. Liz then laughed at Amanda's actions before responding in a similar accent, "Why of course, shall we begin our outing Ms. Costigan, I hear the food around here is exquisite." They both cracked up laughing while heading to the car, any nervousness they had before gone as they just enjoyed spending time together.

           The night continued as they drank, talked, ate, and drank some more. It was safe to say by the end of the night they were full on drunk, not tipsy, drunk. As they walked out of the bar they had gone to after dinner Liz tried to convince Amanda to call Aj or Darren to come pick them up instead of driving home on their own having a bad feeling about it. "Come on Liz, it'll be fine." Amanda said, clearly wasted and not convincing Liz this was a good idea whatsoever. Liz sighed, knowing that once Amanda's mind was set on something that was what was going to happen and got in the car, giving up on this conversation. Amanda cheered victoriously getting into the driver's seat. They were halfway home when it happened. A car swerved trying to avoid something in the road and due to the alcohol in Amanda's system her reaction was delayed causing the cars to collide. All Liz and Amanda saw were flashing lights before it all went black.

The Truth RevealedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora