The Heartbreaker ( 2 )

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I was drunk while writing it guys ~ if its bad well -

The day namjoon told his parents he was pregnant. They were angry and asked him to kill the child, but namjoon couldn't do that. He did the mistake why will the innocent child die?

To save themselves, from the public shame they decided to get him married to some close friend's son.

But namjoon isn't some cheap hoe, he was probably confused with his feelings but he was sure that the day he decided to sleep with seokjin, it was with his consent. He wanted that. The day he decided to lose his dignity in front of seokjin, he knew there must be something that he feels for seokjin otherwise he won't let anyone touch him.

That's why he didn't break up. That's why he continued their relationship, he wanted to discover what does he feels for seokjin. But then Ji-hoon said about his father's job and his stupid so-called fucking ego was hurt. That was the most foolish decision he made.

Namjoon didn't want to get married, to some random guy. He lost it to seokjin, he can't let anyone else touch him with that intimacy. Cause for him if seokjin is his first, he will be his last.

Some days later his parents decided to forcefully abort the baby when they saw he wasn't agreeing to them.

But this child was the only proof, seokjin loved him once and he didn't wanted to kill what was growing inside him.

So namjoon ran away.

He only took some necessary things and a little money and left his home forever. His parents called him after that once saying they are abandoning him. He can't believe they are the same people who understood him and gave him time after graduation.

Namjoon cried, but he didn't care. His friends, his parents everyone left him. It's okay cause he was the bad guy here. He had no one except the baby.

In the new city, a kind old couple helped him so much. They rented him the apartment upstairs and found him work in a nursing home.

And just like that months passed and he reached the 8th month of pregnancy. Those months were hell for him, no one was there for him to help him with the severe cramps, mood swings and hunger. He sometimes didn't give in to his cravings. The old couple helped him, a lot he didn't want to bother them.

There were days when he can't even walk a distance and stays at one place only. After the 4th month of pregnancy, things became more hell for him.

In this kind of condition, he can't work so the same kind old couple decided to look after him. He ended up telling them, what occurred with him.

It's strange how sometimes stranger are more kind than your own people.

And like that time passed, and he didn't expect to meet seokjin again today morning. He has always dreamed how their second meeting will be like.

He thought he will apologise to seokjin and ask for his forgiveness and a chance to redeem his mistakes. Earlier, he didn't care if seokjin accepted him back he only cared about his forgiveness but now when he is pregnant with his child he hoped for a family with seokjin.

Even if seokjin and he will never be the same. He loved him and he had a few hopes about them scattered here and there.

But what he saw today morning broke him down in such a bad state that he felt his imaginary happy place crumbling away.

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