By the time of the end of the first movie, they were all hungry. Kai stood up from the couch sloppily, because they have been not moving for 2 hours now. Kai went to check the fridge for anything to cook. When he opened the fridge, he didn't find anything.

"Hey, guys, can anyone hop down to the shop to buy some things for cooking?" Kai asked as he entered the room, now looking at the lazy guys.

After a minute of silence, 2 words can be heard by 2 persons "I will" Nya and Jay say at the same time.

"Okay but no weird stuff alright?" Kai asked with a raised eyebrow. He knew that they both had crushes on each other, and teased them about it, but ultimately pulls a protective brother card.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but sure Kai, sure." Jay said faking obliviousness, he of course knew what he was talking about, but he would never even think about kissing a girl without their consent.

Nya was already stood with a jacket ready in hand to be worn to the short journey to the grocery store on the corner.

Jay stood up from his seat, ready to go to the entrance when a hand landed on his shoulders. "Go get her Tiger." It was his best friend, Cole. He knew everything about his life, even the things that are so secretive that they shouldn't be taken lightly. He mumbled back a quiet 'I'll try.'.

They said their goodbyes before exiting out of the door. They would probably reach their destination in about 20 minutes.

The way there was very awkward. Neither of them dared to speak, suddenly found their shoes very interesting. The air was filled with tension, you couldn't even cut with a knife.

When they arrived, a small little bell cling could be heard over the music in the shop. They got a little rusty shopping cart and started placing food into the cart. They placed the things the others wanted, the things they wanted, they even did it to the rhythm of the song. It was all and all a happy energy around the store, even the store owner smiled at the 2's cuteness.

But that energy quickly went away as a man fully dressed in black arrived with a gun in his hands, aiming it at the shop owner, asking for money.

The shop owner refused, as his hand neared the SOS button below the counter. The customers that weren't near the counter hid in the aisles. A warning shot was shoot in the ceiling, making all the customers even more scared than they already were.

Nya being the stubborn girl she is, wanted to help the shop owner, already moving down the aisle with the heaviest thing she could find.

"What are you doing?" Jay whisper shouted to her as she went down, even more the aisle nearing the counter where the robber and the owner stood.

The owner stalled some more time, to make it possible for the police to arrive. When he saw Nya sneaking up, he shook his head towards her, but she chose to ignore him. He grabbed something quickly under the counter, not bringing it up yet. At least he will help if things turn nasty.

Nya as she continued to head down, followed by Jay looking after her, stopped a few feet behind the robber. She prepared the weapon of her choice to swing at the robber, when suddenly the gun was trained at her, already pushing the trigger.

It all happened so fast. Jay ran as quickly as he could, to save Nya from a devastating blow to the face. When he arrived, he pushed Nya out of the way and took her place. A bullet was quickly making its way into his chest, missing the organs. Several gasps could be heard. He collapsed on the floor from pain.

The owner took this opportunity and swung the robber down right to the head, effectively knocking him out cold.

Nya was in a state of shock, she couldn't comprehend what happened, but when she saw Jay on the ground bleeding out, she knew what had happened. She rushed to his side, resting his head on her lap.

He looked in an awful condition. Blood soaked his shirt and blood dribbled down from his mouth to the puddle of blood next to him. He still had some life left in his eyes, but it was very hard for him to keep his consciousness. He just wanted to sleep some while waiting, but his mind was screaming at him to keep awake.

"Jay, You're okay. You're okay. You're okay." She tried comforting him, but it sounded like she was trying to comfort herself. Tears streaked down both of their cheeks, one from pain and one from pure fear.

"N-Nya before I go, I-I want to tell you s-something. I-I-I love you" He stated as he started to see black spots in his vision, not seeing much of anything anymore. He heard as sirens neared the building, but couldn't comprehend what was happening. He passed out from blood loss.

Nya sat there in shock, didn't see the stretcher taking away Jay.

"I didn't say it back. I DIDN'T FUCKING SAY IT BACK." Nya shouted, angrily punching the ground, out of pure rage, making some cracks in the concrete.

*Time skip*

Jay woke up to a blinding light. He thought he died. The more he opened his eyes, the more of his consciousness he gained back. He now knew that he was in a hospital, hearing the heart monitor, he felt something in his hands.

He finally opened his eyes. He looked around and saw meters away Cole, Zane, Kai, and Lloyd sitting on chairs. He looked at his right side and saw Nya holding his hands seemingly still awake. He squeezed her hands to make her realize that he was, in fact awake. When she looked up, she was surprised.

She looked awful. She looked like she hasn't slept in about 1 week. Her perfect raven hair was not tied in a bun any more, but rather let down, and messy. Her face was covered with tear-stained marks. Her beautiful brown eyes were rimmed with red due to the amount of crying, her eyes fogged in tears.

She was unmoving for a seconds before throwing herself at Jay, hugging the life out of him. Even more, tears fell, from both sides. Jay cried because he was happy, he got to see her again and Nya because he woke up.

They hugged for a little more before Nya pulled away and slapped Jay out of nowhere, now the smack waking up the others. "WHY DID YOU DO IT, WHY FOR ME? YOU COULD HAVE DIED!" She yelled at him. She looked at the crestfallen face of Jay and immediately regretting shouting at him. "Sorry for shouting at you and I forgot to say something." She sighed. "I love you too." She said surprising him. He never thought that she would love him too.

She kissed his cheek and hugged him till the doctors arrived to check up on Jay.

It still hurt somewhat, but it was all worth it. She lived and that was the whole reason he did it. He was glad nobody else was hurt.

Finished this one as well. I do hope you enjoyed my return. I hope you are alright too.

If you have any ideas that I could write, please comment them on the request page. If you have any fandoms you would like to see me, write, you can comment them here.

Also, I hate school.

I hope you enjoyed this one, if you did, please share with your friends, vote, and comment your feedback on the book. I need feedback in order to correct things if needed. Thanks!

I hope you have a good morning/day/night and stay hydrated!!! 

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