Chapter 46

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We were on move, but I couldn't see where we were going. I didn't fully trust Jayden, so he could be taking me somewhere dangerous. But, I couldn't act even if that was true. I was feeling okay in his arms and I let him take him away from the woods.

There was a dark figure staring at me behind my eyelids. I yelled at them. They stayed unmoved, frozen. I stretched out my hands, but they crashed into something hard. Something I couldn't see. I pulled my hand back.

I shivered when I felt something cold brushing the top of my head. A hand, maybe. Cold sweat was running down my temples and my stomach flipped. I was feeling sick.

"Take her!" A male voice close to me shouted to someone.

The person who was carrying me suddenly started moving too fast and I felt like throwing up. I was uncomfortable.

A warm hand touched my palms that were linked together. "She's cold."

"I don't care. Take her. Now!" The husky voice ringed in my ears like a bell and I squeezed my eyes.

I felt the cold hands leaving me and I was touched by another pairs of arms. These ones warmer. I rested my head against a chest that was moving fast, up and down under my face.

"Sofia?" A whisper in my ear made me tip up my head and flutter my heavy eyelids. I met two hazel, familiar eyes that softened when our gazes locked. I curled my hands into his chest. He placed a kiss on my forehead and tightened his grip around me. "You are safe. It's over."

I wet my dry lips. "I don't feel good."

"You used too much of your power, but we won last night's battle." He paused, running his fingers along my arm. "I'm very proud of you."

I grinned, even though he couldn't see it.

"Open your eyes for me."

I did as he said and immediately, a light landed on my pupils and caused me to close them again. But then I saw something that made me keep them wide open. I understood why Chase wanted me to open my eyes.

Riley, Dove, Dante and Chase were standing a few meters away from us. But they weren't just standing there, staring at us. They had their arms linked, their foreheads touching. They hadn't seen each other the whole night and now they were all back together. I knew that if Chase wasn't holding me and if I could stand on my own, he would join them. For sure.

They seemed so peaceful and calmed. They had a special bond, I could see that. They knew each other since they were little and their love was still very strong. They were family, linked forever. I wished I could be a true member of her family one day.

It was the first time I could look at them and think that they were just some seventeen-year-old teenagers. For a moment, I could pretend. I could believe that they had nothing to do with the supernatural creatures that were everywhere in the town.

For just a moment, I could forget about everything that was going on in my life.

And like that, I came to my senses.

I had no clue what I was going to do from now on. Most of the vampires were dead. So, I figured that there weren't enough of them to come after me. The smartest thing for them was to stop. There was no hope for them. Maybe they would stop, indeed. But that didn't mean they would stop forever. They were immortal. Which meant that they had a bunch of centuries ahead of them. Unlike me, who had only a few years.

In a few years, I would get into college and move out of the house. I would fall in love, finish my studies, get married, travel, see the world... At least I hoped I'd do all these things. I couldn't make my dreams come true as a Banshee. There would always be danger. Even if I lived across the planet, someone would find me. I couldn't fall in love with a human. I would put them in danger. That wasn't necessary. So, I guessed that I couldn't get married in the future.

But, how many things was I going to sacrifice because of my real identity. The heavy burden of it was, finally, invisible. I could feel it eating out my body.

How my future would look like? I had never really cared about it. Like, really, really care. Not even when I had found out about my powers. What was everyone going to do with their lives? School would be over in a couple months. After that, we would be seniors and then... We would graduate.

They pulled away from each other when a sound came from behind a few dense bushes. But, Dove and Jayden didn't pull away. Jayden grabbed Dove's waist and brought her closer to him, pulling her in for a hug. My jaw slightly dropped. I had never seen Jayden like this around his sister. Neither Dove was behaving like that around her twin brother. She wrapped her hands around his waist. They were almost in the same height. Although, he was a few inches taller.

At that moment, they were alike. Like the siblings they were. Jayden had his left hand behind the back of her hand, rubbing that spot and she had buried her head in his neck. When he pulled her away to look at her face, she had her one palm pressed against the side of her stomach. The muscles in her face twitched in pain the moment he brought his hand where she had placed hers.

I frowned. I tried to get off Chase's grip, but he only pulled me closer to him. I yelped quietly.

"There is no way I'm letting you walk by yourself!"

"I'm not a baby, Chase!"

"No, but you are sick and if you want to get better soon, you need to listen to what we are telling you. Okay?"

I blew out an annoyed breath. "That's my good girl."

Two people came through the woods, walking towards Jayden and Dove, who now had her arm around his shoulders, holding onto him.

"Besides, we called help." Chase told me.

Michael let Dove wrap both her hands around his neck and he lifted her off the ground. Miss Grand exchanged a few words with Jayden before the four of them began walking away from the rest of us. I peered over, looking for Riley. I spotted him standing near Dante while he was talking to him in a low voice. His gaze was glued to Dove who was disappearing through some green houses, along with the others.

I wished he knew how Dove was, secretly, feeling about him. I even wished he felt the same way about her.

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