Chapter 39

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It had been five whole days since I lost any kind of contact with everyone from the pack. I tried to call Riley once, but his number had, somehow, disappeared from the documents of my phone. Not only his number, but everyone else's from the pack. Dove's, Chase's.... They had transferred into other classes, too. Which meant that I was only seeing them during lunch and on breaks. But, they were, almost, never around. And when they were, they were never looking at my direction. The only person who had completely disappeared was Jayden. He wasn't attending his classes, he wasn't talking walks in the woods anymore, he wasn't taking Dove from school in the end of the day... I didn't know if he was still mad at me. He probably was. But, I didn't exactly had the time to care about his feelings.

I was spending a lot of time in the woods. Alone. I was sneaking out when mum and Trae were both asleep. I liked the silence the trees were providing to me. The clear oxygen was making me feel even more human. But, I didn't know if I should let that part of me take control of myself.

I was training by myself in the afternoons. I was always making sure to be far away from Max's house, where the others were, probably, doing their practice too. I had in mind Blake's words from our trainings. Don't lose your balance, keep your spine straight, stretch out both your hands. I was doing great on my own, actually. He would be proud of me if he only knew.

I had really missed all of them. I had missed talking with Dove and her forcing me to try on her clothes to see if they fitted me. I had missed doing her makeup. I had missed the late conversations with Chase that were leaving me tired and exhausted. I was trying not to think of all of these things when I was alone. These thoughts would only make me feel more guilt and pity for myself.

I wasn't blaming myself.

Most of the times.

I had learnt some very important stuff about the vampires' intentions. I had been trying to puzzle all the pieces since that day. I was trying to remember moments from the past that could be the start of the puzzle. But, my mind was a wrecked mess every time I was making an attempt. It couldn't visit the past for a reason I could still not understand. But I would find my way out of it. I knew that. I just needed more time. The fact that I didn't know if the others had already found something important, something that could be a piece on the board, was driving me insane. I had attempted to call Chase and ask him about it, but when I called him, the only thing I could hear from the other line of the phone, was his heavy breathing. He was just breathing. He didn't talk to me. He knew exactly who was the person calling him and he still didn't answer. He didn't say a thing to me. I was blaming Jayden for that. For taking my friends away from me.

I shook my head, taking the image of Jayden's face out of my head, as I headed to the kitchen area. There was a sweet silence that had flooded in the house. The adults were gone. Since I was no longer under the pack's protection, they made sure to be staying at home more hours than they used to. There was more danger now than it had before. We were all aware of the presence of a traitor in the pack. No one knew when he, or she was, going to show up and appear as a vampire. We needed to avoid this moment. But, my mum was very worried and tried to be at home at least half the day.

I was on my own at the house when I tried to get myself to remember again. Nothing happened. Again. But I was willing to keep trying over and over again. Maybe with that way I would be able to get the pack to trust me again.

I released an exhausted breath, as I quickly corrected myself. Him. Maybe I would be able to earn his trust. A part of me was grateful he took the second option. He could make me leave the town because of the power he had. But, he didn't. He let me stay. Instead, he took a part of me that was still growing inside me. That was another reason why I hated him so much. He hadn't realized I went there on my own because I didn't know Blake was going to die. Right there, in front of me. He hadn't realized I was feeling so much pain at that moment.

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