Chapter 9

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It was a few days later when things got even more complicated.

I passed the front door, walking in the house. "Mum?" I shouted, but I got no answer. We had P.E. for last period and my entire body was in pain. I would take a hot bath and leave my homework for later that afternoon. I had talked with Chase and he told me that he had gotten scared when he returned and didn't find me there.

"Why did you get scared?" I asked him.

He picked his black schoolbag from the floor. "I thought that Jayden had murdered you! It's not like you have the best relations with each other..."

I, also, talked with Riley too. Well... I tried to talk to him. But, he just walked by me like I wasn't even there. At least, I had made my move. Now it was his turn.

First, I went to the bathroom in the hallway. I had left my schoolbag on the floor, in the hall, so I didn't have the burden of it on my shoulders any more. I took off my dark green hoodie and thought that I had to go to my room, so I could get my towels for the bath. My eyes were closed from the exhaustion as I walked in. I opened the first drawer in my closet and looked up to check myself in the mirror.

"Holy- God! What are you doing in my room?" I placed my palm to my chest, in the spot where my heart was. I bended and grabbed the white towels which had slipped off my hands.

"Look, danger, we obviously have some kind of chemistry!" He said, moving his hands on the air. "You are attracted to me. Me? Not so much, if you consider that you drive me insane. But, if we skip that part..." He placed his arms behind his head. "I am not feeling ready to move on with you."

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I yelled, dropping the towels on the floor again. "What if I had walked in completely naked?"

"It's not my problem if you have weird hobbies, like walking around the house without any clothes on! Besides, it's not that I haven't seen a woman's body before!"

"Ew!" I picked up one of my towels and threw it at his face. "Jaden, that's gross!"

He looked at me for a moment and then I realized what he was staring at. I took a black hoodie out of my closet and wore it on. I was glad I was wearing, at least, a bra. When I turned to him again, he was in the same position. He was laying on my bed, with his arms behind his head and his legs crossed. I hated this guy.

"How did you get in here?" I crossed my arms over my chest. I noticed that my window was open and I raised both of my eyebrows. "Really? You are that much of a douchebag?"

"It's not my fault you left it wide open!"

I froze into my place and let my hands fall to my sides. "What do you mean?"

"What part of what I just said you didn't understand?"

"I am always locking my window!" I moved to my drawer and opened all of my drawers.

I heard Jayden's book from behind me. "I don't mean to disappoint you, but I am not exactly in the mood to see your sexy, red underwear, or whatever else you have in these drawers!"

It was gone. I had left it in my second drawers where I was keeping all of my sweatshirts. But, it wasn't there. Someone had took it. I turned my gaze on Jayden who was now sitting at the edge of my bed. I walked to him and I noticed worry passes through his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Did you take it?" I asked him, ignoring his question.

He arched a brown eyebrow. "Take what?"

"My..." I stopped. I, obviously, couldn't tell Jayden my dark thoughts about Devon. Then, I thought of the first day at school. Devon had said that Bloodline was a place where supernatural species lived. How could he possible know that? I never believed that supernatural was real, because it wasn't. There were no vampires and werewolves and god knew what else! But, the last few weeks many weird things had happened.

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