Chapter 24

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I pushed the front door and I figured out that they were waiting for me. Of course they were. It was left opened. The inside of the house was more stunning than it was the outside. Black walls, black leather couches, objects made of glass, paintings from the golden age... I recognized a painting that belonged to Jean-Antoine Watteau and I gasped just thinking that it was probably stolen. I hoped it wasn't the original...

"It's the original." A voice piped up from upstairs. My head flied up.

Devon's eyes were zoned in on me from the top of the stairs. He started walking down the stairs and it was the most beautiful thing I had seen so far. He was moving like he owned the whole world. Like he was expecting me to bow when he would reach the edge. But when he did it I steeled my spine and kept my face emotionless. His hands were resting on his sides, while his black coat was moving in the air. A few buttons were open close to his throat, revealing his bare, pale chest.

The picture of Jayden's half-naked body followed by his furious face when he would see me again brought me back to place.

Devon was dressed in black trousers and his platinum blond hair was falling on his back. Half of his hair was pulled up. It was one of the few times he had let his long hair fall free. At school, he used to style them into a low ponytail.

He was dangerously gorgeous.

"Have a seat, dear." He took a seat first. Within a few seconds, a glass of red liquor was plunged in his right palm. Wine, I thought at first. But then, he took a sip, while his eyes were still studying me, trying to see if I'd figure out. I noticed how his throat moved and the way his eyes flashed with desire.

It felt like someone had poured cold water on my spine and I wished someone had. But it was just me and him for a few moments.

A woman appeared through the stairs. She walked down not like she owned the world, but like she owned herself. She had the same platinum blond hair as Devon, only that hers was much shorter than his. Shorter than mine, even. When her cold gaze met mine, I understood only from the color of her eyes.

Another woman showed up. This one was different from all the others. She was dressed in a white top and blue jeans. I wasn't sure if I liked her outfit. But the colors of it made it easy for you to focus on her skin. Her brown eyes were looking at me like she was about to attack me. Maybe she would do that, if the chance was given to her. The other woman was pale as milk and that one was dark like a chocolate.

"Come sit." My stomach flipped at his command.

The two women exchanged grins. I remembered that guys had mentioning that Devon had a twin sister. I could tell which one was related with him. But that meant that the woman with the chocolate skin knew about them. I guessed that she knew about me too. Otherwise she wouldn't be there with all of us.

"Let me introduce you." He titled his head, nodding at the woman standing at his left. "This is my sister, I'm sure you have heard of her." Then, he nodded at the woman standing at his right, the one who didn't have pale skin. "This is Ember, my sister's lover."

Both of them were silent and I started feeling the place getting smaller. I looked around, searching for something suspicious. There was nothing which was made of wood. I remembered from the movies I had seen that wood could hurt vampires. I noted that.

Devon took another sip of his drink. The smell of it was dancing in the air, causing me a slight feeling to throw up. I couldn't stand blood. Seeing it, smelling it.

"She really is beautiful." Ember, I guessed, remarked.

"What a pity... The most beautiful souls always die first." Devon's sister added. She crossed her arms under her chest and sat her lips in a tight line. She had the same coldness in her ocean eyes as Devon.

She was wearing black high boots and jeans in the same color. Dark eyeliner was making her cat eyes look bigger. A brown jacket was covering her arms, but I didn't think she would get cold without it.

"Let's talk." She said, hoarsely. "We don't have much time before they start searching her."

"Oh," Devon chuckled playfully. "They have already started, darling."

"What are we going to do with her?" Ember prompted. She looked at from the top of my head and all the way down my body.

"We don't need the blond anymore. So, I guess, we could let her go."

"I agree with Alice. But..." Ember's eyes stayed on my face. "Why would we give her a peaceful death?"


Devon licked his lips with his tongue. He seemed fascinated from what Ember said.

"I'm hungry. Why don't we kill them both? We are three. This," He pointed at me. ", won't be enough!"

"Devon!" Alice's tone made her voice sound like a warning. Maybe because it was a warning. But, Devon didn't exactly take the hint.

"Oh, Alice, don't take the fun out of everything!" Devon shouted, but Alice remained still and calmed.

"We don't have time for fun. We need to get things done quickly, otherwise we will end up like Anne."

What she said, clearly, changed Devon's mood. A muscle in his jaw twitched and anger clouded his features.

"Fine." He rested the glass he was holding on the surface of the table next to him and placed his hands on his thighs. "Deal with her. Do it quickly."

Alice grabbed my arms and forced me to walk towards the stairs who guided us to the basement. But it didn't look like a basement. It was dark and something was smelling very bad. Like... Like something had died in there. Or someone.

I gasped out.

I squeaked in protest but she wouldn't let me go so easily. There were doors. Two or three. She guided me to the second door. She yanked it open and threw me inside. That room was dark too, but the bad smell was gone.

"Do not do anything stupid. I won't hesitate." Was the last thing I heard her saying before she darted out the door. She locked it, making sure I wasn't going to escape.

I rested my hands on the stoned wall to keep my balance as I was trying to stand again. My head was spinning around for no reason and my stomach was killing me. I recalled the last time I had eaten: the afternoon one day ago.

One of my hands fell off the wall. The floor seemed to coming closer and closer to my face, till my vision became blurry and I fainted.

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