Chapter 32

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The door of Chase's bedroom closed behind him. I stayed still, in the corner across the room. I had seen Chase's before. One if the times he had asked me to come over to study together. But, now it seemed smaller than it, actually, was. Like the walls were trying to trap me in. I wished Jayden couldn't smell my nervousness.

He leaned in the wall, near Chase's wooden closet. "My parents asked about you." He clarified.

My head flied up. "They did?"

His head moved in agreement. "They wondered how could you be so stupid."

My mouth dried. I felt my eyes being on fire and my hands locked together. I didn't like hearing him talking like that to me. And now, his parents believed I wasn't the right one to help them. He didn't say that, but I bet that they must had mentioned that during their conversation through the phone.

I was studying him at that moment. I didn't have the ability to hear them through the line, like Riley and Chase did. But he didn't look upset when he ended the call. And while he was standing still, just listening to them, the only part of his body that was on move, was his jaw. The muscles of it were tightening and clenching.

No one was mad at me when Jayden and I got back to Chase's house. Chase and Dove were worried, but they didn't tell me I had acted childish. Riley couldn't look at me. He was repeating over and over again that I had put my life on danger. But, after at least half an hour had passed, he hugged me and told me that he didn't want me to do something like that ever again. I nodded against his chest.

Jayden had called his parents to let them know about the conversation of the vampires at the woods. He had to explain them how exactly they got that information and when he mentioned my disappearance... They weren't fascinated by that. Then, he called Dante. He was furious. He didn't tell any of us what Dante had said to him, but it was obvious.

They all agreed that it would be the best for me to spend the night at the guys' house. Trae and mum were out of town for the weekend. I was glad Chase had let me sleep in his room, but I was feeling bad at the same time. He said he didn't have any problem with sleeping in the couch, but I was sure it wasn't very convenient for him.

Jayden offered to take me to my bedroom, only to make sure I would be okay with the clothes I was going to sleep in and everything.

He wasn't taking any clothes out of the closet for me to get dressed. He didn't ask me if I needed a glass of water or something. The party was still going on downstairs and the loud music was going to disturb me the whole night.

I took a deep breath, my eyes still on the floor. "Listen, Jayden, I am really, really-"

"Stop." He shouted. "Right now, I don't want to hear a single word coming out of your mouth."

I heard him taking a few steps towards me and then he stopped in place.

"I thought I had made it clear to you that you can't just go after a few powerful, dangerous vampires. I don't give a damn if you thought it was the right thing to do. I don't care if you didn't have any time to call us. Chase was there. Right. In front. Of. You." He spitted the words in my face and I shut my eyes. "You could have told me. You could go together. He could go there alone, even. Because you know what?" He prompted. "I might not trust him like I do with Dante and Riley, but I don't trust you more than I trust him."

My eyes watered under my eyelashes. I was feeling vulnerable again. Fragile. He always had his way to take the confidence out of me. And I didn't like it.

"You know what I told Dante when he came into my house and told my parents to just kill you so we could avoid any trouble? I told him that he wasn't thinking clear. I convinced my parents that you could do this. I didn't trust you back then. I didn't even know you. But I had faith in you, because I had been in your position. When you have to take so many risks and eventually, you succeed, yes. But until that moment, you need to go through some very painful moments. I did that. I was in your position once. The only difference is that you have so many people around you who are willing to protect you with their lives and you take that as granted!" He yelled in my face. I took a few steps backward.

Bloodline: The Daughter Of the MoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant