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Yashiro pov:

I went inside the school only to find out that I don't know which class I should  go to. Someone patted my shoulder and I turned to look. They are the twins I bumped into earlier.
Now that I took a look at them more clearly, the one who patted my shoulder look more mature and caring while the other looks more child- like and goofy. ( Lol I literally thought of goofy from Mickey mouse...
" Goofkasa" ok forget what I just wrote earlier)
The mature one asked " Are you lost? I can lead the way if you want."(then please lead me  to the way to your heart (つ≧▽≦)つ...........Ok I'll shut up now)

The childish one then said " I'm Tsukasa and This is my big brother Amane. What's your name?"

"I'm  Yashiro Nene. It's a pleasure to meet you two."

"Ok  nenenee which class do you want to go?" Tsukasa said. Amane and I flinched a little at the nickname he gave me but I guess I didn't mind.

"Tsukasa don't be rude infront of someone you just met." He ignored amane, anticipating my reply. I said  "class 1A".( Did I write the class right?)

Tsukasa took my hand and said
"THATS MY CLASS. Come with me I'll take you there." Then he dragged me to our class as amane chased after us.

" Here we are" Tsukasa said as he let go of my hand and went to his seat.

Amane put his hand on my shoulder and said "I'm sorry about my brother he's always like that......so welcome to our class I guess." He smiled as I smiled  back. As I looked around I saw some familiar faces and one of the was my middle school friend Aoi chan. She was the first friend I ever made in my middle school life. I ran to her as she flinched by my action and asked her
" Do you remember me?"

Aoi chan pov :

"Do you remember me?" A girl with silver hair with teal tips asked me. As I took a closer look at her, I remembered. " Nene chan?" I asked.
Her eyes widened with pure happiness and nodded her head " hm hm that's right."

"But nene chan why didn't you tell me that you are moving out." I asked slightly sad. "How  dare you make aoi chan sad" Akane kun said standing next to me. She ignored him as Her eyes widened again and said worriedly " Its not what you think Aoi chan let me explain."

" I know that I was moving out soon but I didn't know when so I thought I would tell you when I know it. But I didn't know that we are moving out so soon and my parents didn't tell me because they thought I would be sad if I know the truth. And it was on a weekend too so I can't come to school and tell you the news or call you since I don't have a cell phone that time."
She told me desperately as she squeezed my hands.

" I see, then It's alright nene chan."  "Of course aoi chan would forgive you she's an Angel after all"Akane said. She looked so happy and when she was about to say something, the teacher came into the class.

" Alright students get into your places, we have a new student joining us today. Please stand up and introduce yourself" he said.And I saw nene standing up to introduce herself.

" I'm Yashiro Nene. And I came to this school only for my middle school first year so I know some people here. But I hope I can be friends with you guys."

She said and then she sat down. "Thank  you Yashiro san. And now we'll Start the lesson. Please turn the page to 121."

'I'm sorry nene chan but I won't forgive you for leaving me alone' I thought as I turned the pages. 'I finally thought I had a friend but what can I expect, people will only be friends with me for my popularity or my beauty.' And I got lost in thoughts.

" Time Skipped"

Someone patted my shoulder. I came back to reality and I saw nene chan with a worried look on her face.

"Are you ok? You've been spacing out for a whole day now." She said.

Oh are you worried about me? but I thought you just wanted to be friends with me only for my popularity. Oh that's right, your worried expression is a fake too then. So I'll give you a fake smile of mine.

" Oh don't worry nene chan I'm fine.
You should go home now before your mom gets worried." And I gave her  the brightest and fakest smile I ever had. She flinched at my smile and sighed.

"Nene chan ?" I asked.

Third person pov:

Nene: "you  know what, I can't take it anymore." Nene looked around to see if anyone's there in the classroom. There is nobody in the classroom so she closed the classroom's door to make aoi and her the only person in the classroom.

Aoi thought that nene is going to do something to her so she stood in the corner hoping she won't do anything.

Nene approached aoi. Aoi tried to escape but she pinned her to the wall.(Guys stop thinking like that ಠ_ಠ)                  

Aoi: "What do you want from me? You became friends with me cause of my popularity and my face, NOW WHAT DO YOU WANT!??" Aoi said as tears fall from her eyes.

Nene: "what, you thought I became friends with you because of your popularity and your beauty? That's not the reason."

Aoi: ?
Then what is it!?

Nene: .......From the moment I met you in middle school I always wanted to be friends with you. And aoi chan you always thought that your different from everyone, like your an endangered species or something. But I think we have something in common and I didn't want to be friends with you because of your face or your popularity.

Aoi: what?

Nene: I know, what does a girl like me have something common to you.


"People treat you differently because how you were born to be too beautiful. And people treat me differently because how I was born abnormally........with large ankles."

That's when a sudden realisation hit aoi. Boys bully her and forced her to date them while the girls would spread false romours about aoi like:

'I bet she used plastic surgery to get all the boys, etc.'

But she never knew anything about nene. In middle school, she always saw some people ignoring nene and looking at her legs while whispering behind her back. And she even saw some bruises on her some times. But she never paid attention to it. Now she wish she did.

Tears started to fall from Aoi's face again its even more than before.

Aoi: Im sorry nene chan. I'm sorry, I never noticed it. I'm such a selfish person. And apologized like ten times.

Nene: "I won't forgive you and as for your punishment."

Aoi closed her eyes and she is ready for the punishment she'll get.

"LETS BE REAL FRIENDS FROM NOW ON" she said as tears fell from nene's eyes too.

Yess finally finished this chapter. This took me like 1 hour or something and it's worth it.

Ok bye guys 😄

DEVIL IN AN ANGEL ( hananene and tsunene) (Love Triangle I guess)Where stories live. Discover now