Chapter 1

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3rd POV

The sound of wind blowing on the trees, leaves falling to the ground and birds singing. It seemed like a normal day. Class 1-A were on the outside training grounds, ready to show of the moves they had been improving on.

The sounds of loud explosions could be heard, indicating it was Katsuki Bakugous turn to show of.

Todoroki POV

Me and my classmates stood on the sideline, watching the others show of one after one. I think you could hear Bakugous perfomance from a mile away, tho as loud as it was it didnt really bother me much, my other classmates especially Uraraka, Momo and Iida covered their ears.

But if you asked me, they should be accustomed to it by now. I looked back at the training ground, seeing Bakugou turning and walking back to the rest of us, indicating he was done showing of.

"Well done Bakugou" Aizawa said while giving him a nod, indicating he did good enough. Bakugou just made a 'tsk' sound, and made his way to his friends. 

I looked up, to see Aizawa looking through the list with names for the next to show of. It still hasnt been my turn, so i just prayd that it would soon be my turn, so i could get this over with. "Next is..." Aizawa looked down again moving his finger over the names, until he stopped and said "Todoroki".

I nodded at him, and began to walk to the center of the training ground. When i got there, i got into a fighting stance, ready to begin. When..

Out of the corner of my eye, i spot this weird purple thing. I quickly turn my head to the side, eyeing a big black figure. I begin to back up slowly, trying to get away before it realises what im doing. It begins to walk towards me,  i begin to freeze the ground unnoticeably. The ice began to creep up the figures legs, freezing it to the ground.

My cheek is covered in ice, and my heart beat is increasing. I make a quick turn, and began to run back to the others. Tho i never got that far, cause when i was about half way there. The figure jumped infront of me, making me fall back landing hard on my tailbone.

"Todoroki!" I could hear Midoriyas voice from behind the figure. I didnt know what to do, i couldnt just run, and my ice didnt seem to have any effect on it. I was at the brink of a panic, when greenlight flashes before my eyes, and i feel someone sweeping me off of the ground.

I look up to see Midoriya holding me, he had ran back behind the others. I was quickly put to my feet, while all the others were charging at the figure. Midoriya just stared at the figure, while muttering something out loud. I lightly poked him on the shoulder, catching his attention. "What are you muttering about?" I asked, trying to get back fast as possible to the fight. "You think its a nomu?" He asked. I havent thought of it, honestly it wouldnt surprise me if it was.

He looked at me with a sorta stressed gaze,  then out on the fight currently going on. I nodded at him, indicating we should join them. We both started our quirks, Midoriya charging at the possible nomu, while i ran the other way.

3rd POV

Todoroki had ran to the side line, trying to do long length attacks with ice. While Midoriya ran into the middle of the fight, just barely taking the attention from Uraraka who had been laying on the ground, after taking a hit for Tsuyu. 

Iida ran in to take Uraraka out of the battle field, making sure she wasnt seriously injured. The rest of the class ran to action, trying to hit the nomu with all they've got. The class began surroundering the nomu, making sure it couldnt keep attention on all of them at once.

They thought they've had it in a corner, with no way out, that they already won the fight. When the nomu suddenly, turned looking at the class before making a move, were all of 1-A flew in the same direction. They were all spread on the ground, across from the nomu.

It began to focus some light on its palms, making some sort of lightball. And only one thing could explain what it was doing. The nomu had activated some sort of quirk. All of 1-A had seen the light be created, including Todoroki who had been standing at the side line, watching the whole scene unfold.

Todoroki POV

I had been trying to take the nomu out with ice, from my long length attacks, but it just didnt seem to work. I didnt know what to do. The next thing i know is that all of my class were splaid on the ground, with the nomu focusing some weird lightball at them. I dont know what i was thinking. If not thinking at all.

Next thing i know, is that my legs began to move before my brain. I tried getting faster by using ice to glide on, and fire to propel myself forward. It worked and i was only a few meters away from my classmates, in no time. I could see how the nomu raised its arms in the air, indicating that it was ready to fire. 

I began to panic. Thinking things like 'What if i cant save them? '. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts before putting even more fire, to give more speed. And before i knew it i had jumped in front of my classmates, taking the hit before blacking out.

Aizawa POV

My class and i were on the ground helpless to the nomu, i couldnt think of any way out of this. 'Im sorry class.. I couldnt protect you'. I began to lose any possible hope, that i could have left in me. 

When i saw something in the distance, i narrowed my eyes to what it was. When i saw fire. Todoroki!. I hadnt even realised he werent here, and it looks like the nomu didnt either. He was coming at full speed, i couldnt see that much as the nomu began pointing the lightball at me and the class. But what i did see, was Todoroki jumping in front of us taking the hit. There were a bright light blinding me. 

When it died down, i saw how the nomu was gone, and how my student was unconscious on the ground. And the last thing i heard were a high pitched voice screaming-



Word count 1.121

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