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"Novels aren't just happy escapes; they are slivers of people's souls, nailed to the pages, dripping ink from veins of wood pulp. Reading the right one at the right time can make all the difference."
— Brandon Sanderson

a/n: found this lovely quote...and wanted to share it.
Anyway, thanks for reading. As per usual, there's a lot going on. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

xoxo 🥰

The next morning

French Quarter
The Witch's Council

Elijah walked in the room where the Witch elders sat with the woman resembling Hayley Marshall.

He inhaled silently, brazing himself. Hecwould lie if seeing her the night before didn't shake him to the core. It took him a good while to center his emotions, not letting them play his heart.

"Andrea Labonair, this is Elijah Mikaelson." Celeste motioned her handbtowards the Original. "He is an Agent of the Council, also, the fiance of the deceased - Hayley Marshall."

"Now things make sense." Phoebe said in a calm manner. "He could have said so last night."

"You didn't want to listen. Instead you made out I was harrasing you." Elijah said.

"There was a strange vibe I felt from you." Andrea said.

Elijah was quiet, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"If there is nothing further now that you checked my identity, I'd like to go. I've broken no witch law."

"You are free to go." Celeste said.

The tribrid stood up, smiling at Elijah. "I guess I will see you around."

As she walked out of the room,Elijah turned to Celeste, narrowing her eyes at her quizzically.

"Andrea Labonair is a doppelganger. A tribrid. Her vampire and wolf aspects are supressed. Her witch aspect is enhanced though." Celeste said, handing over the blood test.

"So, she just appeared out of nowhere? Did you know of her existance?"

"No, we didn't. She said that she was brought up in Jackson Tennessee, but she he lived most of her life in Europe until she moved to New York last year." Celeste replied.

"Right. What is her connection to the De Martels?"

"I leave that to you to find out. She said she met and befriended Aurora De Martel in New York. You know that I don't believe in coincidences. De Martels are powerful. They play by the book abd have always complied. Still - a tribrid that is a doppelganger - something is not clear in that picture." Celeste said.

"The De Martels appear to be upstanding pillars of the community. So far we haven't found any connections to the murders." Elijah inhaled sharply, his eyes darkening a bit.

"Aurora De Martel has always had a twisted soul. Could she have brought the doppelganger to taunt you?!" Celeste tilted her head, regretting her last comment, apologizing immediately for it.

"It's fine. But you are right - I wouldn't put it past her."We are still at odds with them. " Elijah said.

The witch moved away from the desk.

"Enzo and Caroline will investigate more. I'll see you later."

Celaste exited the room, leaving Elijah deep in thought.


In Bonnie's Diner, Elena finished retelling her brst friend about the night before.

"The whole story about me being a dopprlganger was crazy, but now that I saw this woman, who is an actual doppelganger of Elijah's dead fiance - gives me chills."

'Forever and A Day' - Elejah AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon