Mum! Can we get harry potter!

Start from the beginning

The trio held their breath, waiting for the beast's next move. Neither of them managed to take a good look at it, it was too fast as if it wasn't ever there. The only feature they could confirm was that it had a serpent-like body.
The boat trembled as adrenaline rushed through the veins of the demigods and titan. The creature broke through the water's surface and slunk its hulking body on the boat, tipping it off. The creature rosed higher and higher till it was about the size of a giant. Its beady soulless beady eyes stared at Zoe.

The huntress gasped in fear and shock as she stumbled backwards, this wasn't a beast she could face, it had the might of an olympian and was at the same power scale as 2 Olympians. It was the sea version of Kampe, Cetus.

The hideous beast had the head of a dragon, the body of a basilisk and mind of a human. It was everything a monster needed to be unstoppable, intelligence, agility and ferocity.

The beast roared and bared its fangs, the foul odour of dead fish filled Thalia's nose as she threw up, obviously too close to her uncle's domain.

"If only Percy was here," Bianca thought to herself, grimly. Thalia and Zoe were strong without a doubt. However, Percy would be the most suitable choice to take down a sea monster of his calibre.

The creature lunged at Zoe as she nimbly dived out of the way, allowing the creature to take through a huge chunk of the boat in its mouth.

"Skata!" Zoe cursed, they were at stalemates, even if they killed the beast, the boat would be too damaged to be able to reach the shore.

Thalia sprang forward Aegis and Spear in hand ,"Come here you Chamber of Secret reject!" She threw her shield forward, captain America style, knocking and stunning the creature giving Thalia enough time to plunge her spear in its looming scaly neck.

The creature roared in pain as it swung wildly knocking the spear out of Thalia's hand, dragging her towards the edge of the deck.

The momentum of the swing caused the daughter of Zeus to knock her head against the metal railings of the boat before flinging her over.

"Thalia!" Bianca screamed, she was sure to have a concussion and it wasn't perfect that she was in Poseidon's domain.

Zeus kid in the sea is a huge no-no, as well as a hades kid in the sea, is also a no-no. Unfortunately for the demigods, in the midst of battle and death, you tend to forget petty quarrels between your father at the moment.

Bianca ran straight towards the sea and dove right in, leaving Zoe alone to fight the beast.

"Well, Styx!"

That was when realization struck, Cetus, the beast barely slain by the two of the most powerful demigods, Herakles and Perseus.

How did she stand a chance?

Zoe began contemplating her options, the creature was armoured with its scales making its only weak spot its face or the underbelly. The underbelly wouldn't do much to the creature except cause pain resulting in further destruction of the ship that was slowly filling with water.

Zoe noticed Thalia's spear still hanging wildly on the monster's neck, like a toothpick. She sprinted forward following the path the 2 demigods before took and jumped on the creature's back using the spear as a handhold.

"The brain."

She shook the spear side to side, eliciting a cry of pain from the creature as blood flew out and dripped into the sea slowly.

With her slid perfectly on the creature's scaly neck, she stabbed the back furiously attempting to pry open the scales to have a clean shot towards the brain, Zoe thudded her dagger to a tiny slit of a scale nearest to the neck.

Chip Chip Chip

A tiny silver scale fell off, tiny but big enough for a clean stab, Zoe smirked as she pulled an arrow out of her quiver, as she pushed her daggers into the monsters as a handhold.

She drove her silver arrow through the tiny slit in its neck, driving it deeper and deeper, finding its brain.

2 tiny hands, pale white that looked like a T-rex hand attempted to reach his back to swat Zoe off and again like a T-rex it was too short.

The creature roared in agony and pain as it shrieked horrendously,  its dragon nostrils flaring. "Why won't you die!" She pressed the tip of the arrow harder and harder.


The huntress had reached her mark, her hand was already an inch deep into the creature's body covered in thick gooey blood. The arrow impaled itself dead shot into the brain, causing it to tip over.

Cetus, the beast that once had been slain by two sons of Zeus had fallen by a spawn of Atlas.

The beast tipped over, sliding off from the deck o the ship as well as bringing a large portion of the ship down with it.

"Noo!" Zoe thought the boat was in no way suitable for travel anymore and she was slowly tipping into the water, the fabric of her parka was caught in between one of Cetus' scales.

In the last attempt for revenge before it was reborn, the creature whirled 180 degrees in the water causing the fabric to be unlatched but it pushed Zoe in a massive gust of energy towards the sea bed that was sure to have broken at least 3 ribs.

She couldn't breathe, the currents brought her side to side giving her a sense of vertigo, she laid there slowly sinking as she watched Cetus body fall beside her slowly dissolving into golden dust.

She clutched her chest in pain, she was in the water, yet her chest was on fire, her lungs boiled, pain struck her in every direction. The seas didn't take well to a Titan spawn even if she was related to Pleione.

Her body ached yet it felt so good, the seas were trying to kill her but her heritage with Pleione was keeping her alive.

Sounds ringed around underwater, skull pained, the pressure, needles poked her body, she couldn't breathe. "Stars!" Zoe thought, nostalgically. The daughter of Atlas always expected to die beside her mistress and fellow huntresses not with her arch-rival and the enemy of Herakles.

She felt a smooth hand grab her shoulder like a pair of dark onyx eyes stared at her, while an unconscious body of Thalia floated near. Bianca's mouth was bloated slowly getting smaller each time, she was using her oxygen slowly.

Bianca grabbed both the female's hands and closed her eyes tightly, everything was already fading to black for the Huntress. She could barely register Bianca's touch.

Bianca stood still somehow floating in the water like an angel, Di Angelo, she closed her eyes and they were gone.

Zoe felt her dissolving into the shadows, one moment she was dying at the sea bed with no energy left the next she was in a house.

A weird house that was lined with model planes and papers. Bianca was no longer grabbing her hand she was gone as she laid beside Thalia unconscious body. "Where the hades was Bianca."

Zoe didn't have long to think and question before her body went limp as she slipped into the realm of Morpheus. The last thing she heard was a voice and a scream.

"Fredrick you have guests!" A female voice shouted.

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