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Avi shocked to SEE that letter........
Anshu took away that letter from avi's hand.......
Aman is watching them with moist eyes......

Avi: ye kya hey aman anshu say (what's this aman anshu say it)

Anshu: I knew it before only avi that he is.......

Aman: what ? But listen.......

Anshu : ha I have seen it on our first day of trip I was shocked but later....... it's ok aman that's your passion your dreams we won't interfere.........
Aman and roshni perplexed

Avi: pls explain aman

Aman: (aman had moist eyes) I....... I applied....uh....

Roshni is stunned

Anshu: wait aman I will explain. Avi listen aman was accepted into the graduate school north western university in Chicago. It's a scholarship. It's a journalism programme. He is just following his dreams. As friends we have to encourage him😔🥺

Aman: ha avi

Avi: how could you keep something big like this from us?

Aman: this was meant to be a surprise. And I wanted to break it to you guys at the end of the trip ( with a heavyheart)

Anshu is just analyzing the letter to divert herself and roshni was just trying control herself......

Avi: you mean you're leaving?

aman: yes (in a excited way to follow his dreams)

Avi and anshu: but when

Aman: in 2 weeks
Roshni looked at aman.

Avi: arey say him anshu what'll he do without us? That too you'll be alone in U.S he cant live there aman. Say something anshu!!!

Anshu looked at aman
Anshu: you should go aman
Avi stunned

Anshu: you should definitely go aman. Huh.... how long can we go on like this? We growing up right🥺 we should stop being stupid teenagers.......
Avi looked into anshu's eyes
Then anshu came closer to aman

Anshu: congratulations aman. 😔🙂

avi is thinking and finally he came to a conclusion......

Aman: avi I thought to say you first. My parents doesn't even know yet.....

Avi: forget it man congratulations (chuckled) (with a heavy heart) your happy right ? Then its.... it's fine

He hugged him and left the place with his moist eyes.
And then only roshni and aman were left on the road.
Then aman turned towards roshni.
Both are looking into each other

Aman: what

Roshni: what?

Aman; I am scared

Roshni: omg is aman scared ?(with a fake smile)

Aman: life is going to change

Roshni: so?

Aman: have to leave our friends and close ones........

Roshni  : aren't too happy,are they?

Aman : 😔🙁

Roshni : america is far from here ( tears in her eyes ) but here?

Aman: ha and here it feels...... it feels nice......
Roshni chuckled with her tears in eyes

Aman: but.,.....

Roshni: hmm.. you will always say right I have dreams. I wanna travel roshni I wanna discover I want to......... and what else......
He smiles and continued

Aman; I wanna fly around the world.
Roshni chuckled 🙂

Aman; I want to explore all the world.

Roshni: and this scholarship
He interrupted
Aman; this scholarship will take me closer to my dreams
He smiled although his eyes are wet,......

Roahni: yes

Aman : I have to go roshni
He hugged her heartfully and she accepts.

Roshni: I know

Aman : will you miss me😞

Roshni: nah (she smiled with a heavy heart)

Aman: you were about to say something before?

Roshni: (she's controlling her tears ) huh... ha that the night has ended.

He looked around to see,
The sun rose,

Then she smiled at him and went away without looking back with a heavy heart and she came to knew that
Aman stood there and seeing her going away.

Roshni mind voice: nahi bol payi bs nahi blo payi mujhe usse jitna pyaar tha.....usse kayi jyada usse sapno se tha.
(I couldn't tell him. I just......couldn't say it. As much as I loved him......he loved his dreams more.) But I dont want him to drop his passion just beacuse of this love.

She left that place smilingly.........

Writer: The very next day. They had to do a train journey but everything is not ment to be in a smooth way......
Anshu got a call that her mom isn't well and is admitted to hospital she immediately went away by booking flight tickets. Avi left kullu manali at that night where aman said us about his U.S scholarship. Only aman and roshni were left. But this time the guide vivan said that thier train tickets got cancelled. And the team arranged 3 buses to other people including us.
The bus was waiting for them and this time it was two different buses for aman and roshni, as they were going through two different routes......... it is time for them to leave........

She took the window seat and is watching outside
Although her eyes filled with tears she's just smiling.......

Roshni mind voice: i was hurt,but also grateful.
Grateful for the whole hoard of memories,I was taking with me, that I can never forget.Just like they say, good times and crazy friends make the best memories......
Those days,those nights,the madness,the laughter,the friendship,aman.i never thought that a trip like this will turn out to be so beautiful to me. And aman maybe we are not destined to be together. Good company in a journey makes the ways seem shorter. Our journey was short but I got the bestest memories for my lifetime.

Aman was also sitting at a window seat thinking about his friendship, roshni and his parents

Writer: AND they parted thier ways....... the destiny has planned something else for them. Maybe not now but somewhere.

Precap: what happens after a long leap in the story?
do you think this is the end?
Will the friends reunite again?
Will aman meet roshni again?
What about avi and anshu's relationship?
What happens next?
What does destiny store in for them?

You will get the answers for these question at the end of the ff.

Hey guys so the twist is the story didnt end it will continue but after a long leap. Are you guys excited? Plz rate and give feedback!!!! I will post part 8 soon until then bye
thank you😊

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