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Shikamaru's POV

A small gasp and a scuffle of movement against my chest stirred me out of my rather enjoyable dream and I slowly opened my eyes to see Choi looking at me like a deer in headlights. Remembering that we were very closely tangled up together, I felt the heat rise to my cheeks but couldn't find the strength to move.

"I'm so sorry," Choi nervously pushed away from my chest, leaving it cold at the loss of her radiating warmth and comfort, "um that just kind of happens with me sometimes. Just push me over in the night though and I'll sleep like a log and it won't happen."

Note to self: never push her away when she does this.

A small feeling of pride washed over me at her flustered state and I couldn't help but smile a little, "It's alright Choi really, kept me warmer than this shitty blanket at least."

At this she laughed lightly, her amber eyes perking up, "Yeah I guess you're right. Certainly kept me warm too. Still...sorry about that Shikamaru."

She finally pushed herself out of the bed completely and now the chill really set in without her under the covers with me. I never realized how warm she always was...

Her figure disappeared into the bathroom, more than likely to freshen up and get the day started and I stretched myself out of the bed as well, remembering I had a fake mission to layout for us. It felt horrible lying to her like this, but I knew it was for the best and under Kakashi's order.

Ino gasped suddenly, her eyes flashing open and meeting the unconscious subject that was brought in from our mission. Though he quickly stirred awake, a chilling grin plastering itself upon his face. Her icy eyes turned to me with desperation as she stood, I'd never seen Ino this speechless since we lost Asuma in the war efforts...

"Shikamaru...it's Choi. They're—"

The short man, Legoshi, chuckled darkly, "Choi huh? So that's our little kunoichi's name, boss has been looking for her for a very long time. He'll be very upset having to wait this long."

Boss? So he was working under someone...

My fists tightened protectively just at the thought of losing her, "Ino what do they want with her?"

Her eyes glistened under the harsh interrogation lights as they met mine, "They want her jutsu, however they can attain it. Even if that means tearing her a part."

"It would be a shame," Legoshi mumbled, "to waste such a breedable and powerful kunoichi, but if she doesn't comply...well I guess we could always turn her into a baby making vegetable for a new era of—"


My blood boiled dangerously, how dare he speak of her that way! Choi...one of our warmest and fiercest shinobi being reduced to nothing more than a mare by this man and his fucking organization. It was disgusting.

His head reared towards me with a sneer, "Oh don't tell me the little kunoichi belongs to a pathetic man like you."

Without hesitation Ino knocked the man out cold again, looking to me with a worried face, "We need to speak with Lord Sixth immediately, Shikamaru. They're already on their way, and I saw in his mind what these people are capable of...she's not safe here!"

Her voice wavered on the verge of tears and I couldn't help but feel my heart ache for my dear friend who knew Choi to be one of her very best friends as well. We can't lose another loved one...not after everything we fought for.

We told Lord Sixth as soon as my heart broke in that room for Ino, never seeing that kind of weakness in her. He had sent out some ANBU to confirm if we really did have an enemy threat headed to the leaf and sadly, the prisoner was right. Being that she was one of our most powerful weapons next to Naruto, he insisted she be sent out of the village in secret in order to keep her alive and with the leaf. As much as I wish I could take down the son of a bitch after her, it brought me comfort being with her through all of this.

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