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It had been hours of travelling; my limbs were starting to ache with numbness at each footstep. According to the map we were still in the land of fire, supposedly, just outside of what was locally known to be a rendezvous point for rogues and criminals. It had been rather quiet since the fall of the Akatsuki, but who knows if these new enemies would be so naïve or not. Shikamaru finally halted and I felt myself let out a string of relieved curses under my breath as I stopped behind him. He surveyed the area and closed his eyes thoughtfully before quietly walking through a very wooded patch.

"Shikamaru," I whined.

He turned to me, his expression bored, "Yes?"

I struggled to push aside the bushes and low hanging branches as I caught up to him, "Are we at a stopping point or what? We're right outside the rendezvous point."

He smirked at my struggle, "Right past this mess of trees is a spot Lord Sixth told me about for us to have safer hiding while we're out here without having to stay at an inn miles away."


We trudged on for a while longer through an area that clearly had no previous path and just as I was about to pitch a fit about the thousandth scratch from the foliage around us, the area cleared to reveal an overgrown looking abandoned shed. Or maybe it was a very small cabin? Shikamaru turned to me and smiled sarcastically announcing that this was the spot. A wave of relief hit me as I caught up to him and we went to enter the small shelter. It took a little elbow grease, but he was able to finally open the rough wooden door and reveal a rather cozy, although dingey, studio type set up. There was a little mini kitchen with cupboards and a stove, as well as some real beaten down looking chairs and small couch. Where was the bed?

As if knowing my question, Shikamaru approached what looked like an armoire and pulled it forcefully, "One of those fold up beds."

Sure enough, a mattress came tumbling out of what I thought was a wardrobe and the covers were surprisingly clean looking. I explore further, setting my pack on the small table by the kitchenette and pushed a door open to reveal a private bathroom, no running water though of course.


He hummed in response coming to look at what I was looking at, his chest a hair's width away from my back, "What's up?"

I swallowed nervously, feeling the vibrations of his chest when he spoke, "Shame we have a bathroom with no running water."

He walked away quickly and exited the shelter, but as I went to follow him wondering what the hell he was doing, he returned giving me a sly smile, "Kakashi told me there was a way to still get the water running in here. Apparently the Leaf keeps this place under wraps except for especially important missions. I just turned the water supply on for if we need it."

"Thanks," I smiled before sighing in relief and flopping down on the shitty couch, hearing some springs pop in the process, "so what's next?"

Shikamaru leaned on the wall beside me, his hands in his pockets, "We wait. They're expected to turn up sometime tomorrow, I think around lunch. So, we'll camp out here tonight and head out to watch the rendezvous point early tomorrow."

"And if they're there? The plan to stop them?"

He sighed, looking away from me, "It's supposed to just be a merchant spy and a couple members of this little group that's coming. Lord Sixth wants us to capture the merchant and use your jutsu to make him gather intel for us before he's judged."

My guts twisted unpleasantly, "I didn't know I was using my jutsu on this mission..."

Shikamaru sat on the coffee table in front of me, pulling my chin up to make my eyes meet his own, "Choi, it'll be okay. With my shadow possession we can stop the merchant from hurting himself and get him back to Konoha safely."

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