Chapter XI

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James stormed out of the room completely livid and he spotted Miss Evers leaving her room. He stomped up to her and demanded she gather all of the "long term" residents for a meeting. Of course she obliged and quickly left to fulfill her duty. James paced the hall for a moment before heading to the parrot lounge.

Once everyone got to the bar, James paced while everyone looked at each other confused.

"May I ask why I had to come to this? Are you gonna tell everyone to stop killing again? We've had this discussion before, and look how that turned out." Sally reminded them of their last meeting.

James took in a sharp breath and glanced around at all the attendees. "You have all gotten to know my beloved Y/N." He started. "She did not dislike any of you, she had done no evil toward you."

"J-James, did something happen? Did she leave?" The Countess asked in a worried tone.

He quickly swiped away a tear, hoping no one would notice.

Elizabeth walked over to him and placed her hand on his upper arm, looking into his eyes, "what is it?"

"She's been murdered." He stated bluntly.

Her eyes widened and a confused look spread across her pale face.

A few people gasped but others didn't care. The smart people became worried because they knew James would go on crazy killing sprees when he encountered a small inconvenience and this was much bigger.

"By whom?" The Countess asked.

"Well, that is why I've gathered you all here." James looked back up at the group.

Everyone looked around to each other to try and see who looked guilty.

"I will find out who has committed this horrendous crime, so you might as well confess your doing to me now." He said threateningly.

The room fell silent.

James nodded in disbelief, looking at everyone. "When I come to a conclusion on this matter, I will not hesitate to torture and murder the killer, and if they are already of the spirit realm, I will make you suffer immensely." He made a swift shooing motion to dismiss the group and watched carefully as everyone dispersed. "Miss Evers? A word please." He asked.

She crept over nervously, "Yes Mr. March?"

"If it is not too much to ask, will you retrieve the body? I know you have known her for a great amount of time and have probably grown quite close, so I do understand if you are not up for the task." He requested.

"It will be difficult, but you know I'll do anything for you Mr. March." She replied in her submissive tone as usual.

After she scurried away, James wandered around the bar area, hoping to see Y/N.

A few minutes had passed and James continued pacing, staring at the red carpet. He heard footsteps in the distance and looked toward the sound. He was met with a figure on the opposite end of the second floor; it was Y/N. His eyes got bigger and his pacing stopped.

Y/N walked slowly toward her lover on the other side of the room.

James walked toward her as well to meet in the middle. They stopped when they got to each other and James placed both of his cold hands on the sides of her face. He looked into her eyes and watched for a reaction.

"James?" She seemed genuinely confused.

"Yes dear, it's me. How do you feel my love?" He asked worried.

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