Chapter VII

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She never thought she'd be here again. She stood still, glancing up at the tan building; it hadn't changed a bit. She took a deep breath, trying to process the horrible memory. She eventually pulled her suitcase behind her and entered the timeless place.

When she pushed through the doors, she looked around the lobby. It looked the same as it did all those years ago. She smiled to herself, remembering James's eye for design and elegance. She eventually made her way to the reception desk to be greeted by a short woman with grey hair and large glasses.

"How may I help you?" She said with a bored tone.

"Um, could I just get a room for the week? And, can I request a certain room?" Y/N asked.

"Not sure, hun, we're pretty full. But I can check for you, what room?" The woman sighed.

She cleared her throat, "78."

The reception lady's eyes widened, "what makes you want that room, Miss?"

Y/N glanced around nervously, "just heard it's nice."

The woman raised an eyebrow, not exactly believing her, "mhm, well, that room is taken. Plus, all of our rooms are the same, I'm sure whatever you're given will be just as nice. That'll be $419.99." She replied.

"Wow, times really have changed, this place used to be six bucks a night, now it's 60." Y/N laughed off.

The woman cocked her head to the side.

"... so I've heard." She nervously corrected herself.

The lady grabbed a room key from the cubbies behind her and held it out. "Local calls are free, no wifi, let me know if you need anything else."

Y/N nodded and took the key from her. She got into the old elevator and pressed the button for the 5th floor.

When she arrived at her door, she looked down the hall and recalled the nights James would have a few drinks and beg her to dance with him in the halls. He'd spin her around and dance about the narrow hallways. Y/N would giggle and let him throw her around, scotch and cigarettes on his lips.

She sniffled a little but shed no tears, that was decades ago. She unlocked the door and stepped through. The rooms were very different; new furniture, new smell, new carpet. She hated it.

She set her belongings down and decided to visit the parrot lounge.

As she approached the bar, a bald woman cleaning glasses could be seen. Y/N sat on a bar stool, the bar was exactly the same.

"Hello, dear. What can I get for you?" The woman asked politely.

"A dry martini's fine, thank you." She gave a half-ass smile.

The woman made her drink quickly and slid it over to her, "I'm Liz Taylor, what's your name? You look terribly sad."

"Y/N." She replied shortly.

"Well, Y/N, what's got you down? I've been through it all, you won't surprise me." Liz rested her elbows on the counter and set her chin in her hands.

"My um- husband... died here some years ago, this is the first I've been back here since." She answered honestly.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry. This place is cruel, I understand." Liz said comfortingly.

Y/N just nodded.

Liz stood up straight quickly, noticing another presence.

Y/N paid no attention to the fear Liz radiated until she felt a cold object press against her throat.

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