Chapter V

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After Y/N and James finished their quarrel and he informed her of her new diet, they went down to the bar to settle their nerves.

"James I honestly had no such idea about what I was getting myself into, Elizabeth talked it up to be this amazing cure to life and I just-

"I do not wish to hear anymore of this subject, dear. Please, no further." He said still frustrated.

Y/N let her head fall, ashamed of her foolish decision. How could she have done such a stupid thing? Of course it was too good to be true.

The bartender passed Y/N her martini and she swallowed it quickly.

James rested his warm palm on her thigh in reassurance, "we'll figure this out together my love, I'm here. We'll find a solution."

She flashed a weak smile and nodded, still not looking up at him.

A week later, Y/N seemed to adjust to her new way of life and managed to find ways to feed. Most of the time, James would bring her blood with no explanation of where he retrieved it.

Today was their wedding day and they were both ecstatic. James bought her the finest dress in California and himself, the finest tux.

All of James's high class friends and oil industry partners attended the wedding and he allowed Elizabeth to come as well, only because Y/N said she would not marry him if he did not.

The ceremony went smoothly and there were no objections. After the service, Elizabeth pulled Y/N aside and informed her, her own lover had been missing for several days.

Y/N's mouth fell open and she alerted the police right away. An investigation began for the famous actor but there was no evidence to be found.

James kept his distance from the police and detectives as the investigation continued.

After months of searching, the police identified his absence as a cold case and stopped looking. Elizabeth cried almost everyday and soon left Los Angeles to God knows where. She left Y/N without saying a word, which worried her more than anything. How could her best friend leave her just like that? She was only hanging on because she had James by her side but she was still a mess.

The next 4 years went by quickly and Y/N eventually recovered from her best friend's disappearance. James and her were still married and strongly in love with one another.

It was now the year 1930 and a night like any other at the Cortez. James was off doing "business" like usual and Y/N was far into a deep sleep.

All of the sudden, a large group of policemen rushed into the lobby and up the emergency stairs.

Y/N shot up out of bed and opened her door to see the men heading toward James's office. She followed them, yelling out, asking what the problem was but none would answer, too focused on the task at hand. They knocked furiously on room 64 and called out, instructing James to open the door.

No sound came from the opposite side.

Y/N pushed her way through and talked to him sweetly, "James please come out and talk to me, what's going on?"

"Ma'am, we're going to have to ask you to step back." One of the police men demanded.

She obliged and let them do their job.

They continued spewing orders and knocking angrily but James did not budge.

Finally, they busted through the door and stopped in their tracks.

Y/N fought her way through the men and her mouth fell open. She was stuck and could not take a step or move at all. She glanced around to see the laundress, Miss Evers on the floor with a hole through her head. She saw body parts in a tin tub filled with acid and her beloved... a horizontal cut across his neck spitting out blood as the life left his body. Y/N collapsed to her knees crying and wailing before everything went black.

Her eyes fluttered open to see an IV in her arm and a cold washcloth across her forehead. She sat up and removed the wet cloth.

A nurse rushed in and told her to lay back down.

"Wha-what happened?" She stuttered.

"You may not want to hear that right now dear, lay down." The nurse stated.

"No, no, tell me, please, I can't remember anything." She begged.

"It would be better if the police explained." She suggested.

The nurse left and summoned a police man from the hallway.

He entered the room, pulling back the curtain. "Hello Mrs., feeling any better?" He asked politely.

"I'm fine, please tell me what happened." She said with a frustrated manner.

He sighed and took his hat off, "your um... husband... do you know what he did?"

She pushed her eyebrows together and answered, "he was in the oil business, sir."

The policeman took a deep breath and looked up at her, still clutching his hat, "he brutally murdered a group of migrant workers and took their teeth." He corrected her.

She let out a fake laugh of disbelief and looked at the man, waiting for the punchline.

He just gave her a sympathetic look, showing her he was being truthful.

She shook her head frantically, "no, no you're wrong." She said in denial.

All he did was slowly nod with a look of pity.

Her eyes filled up with salty sadness and a tear escaped as she continued shaking her head.

"He committed suicide before we could arrest him, we were led to believe he also killed the maid and possibly many other innocent people." He added on.

"No, Miss Evers was a friend of our's, he wouldn't do that, or harm anyone!" She began to get angry. James was so gentle and caring there was no possibility.

"Maybe he wasn't the man he led you to believe." He stood up and handed her a picture of deceased men in a field with a handkerchief laying on top of one of them. It bared the initials "JPM".

She covered her mouth at the sight and waterfalls coated her cheeks. She extended the picture out towards the policemen, not wanting to look anymore.

"I'm so sorry Ma'am." He apologized before exiting the room.

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