8| Disney Love

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I glanced at my watch again.

Fuck. Fucking shit goddammit.

The cab was thirty minutes late. If it didn't come soon, I was either going to be late for this tour, or I wasn't going to be able to go at all. I would be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that was hoping the cab wouldn't show. But then I would have to deal with my mom.

I was pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I already felt bad enough that I had to lie to Lanie's face this morning to sneak away for a few hours. Well, I didn't exactly lie to her face. I lied from behind the bathroom door because Lanie had ways. She would know I was lying as soon as she looked at me. When she asked what was wrong with me, I told her I was throwing up because I ate something bad. She challenged me, saying we ate the same stuff.

Which was true.

Thankfully Harper unknowingly came to my rescue. She convinced Lanie to let me rest and reminded her that they were going to miss their paddle boarding session. Lanie finally gave in, but made sure I understood that she was not letting this go.

My eyes scanned the main street both ways, willing a taxi to appear. Nothing except a city bus and an absurd amount of non-taxi cars. Great. Even if it did come within the next few minutes, there was too much traffic now. I gave it ten more minutes,and when there was still no taxi, I had no choice but to call it quits. Just as I started to turn around to walk back inside the hotel, I saw a black SUV turn in.

Shit. There was only one family here at the hotel that drove a black SUV. And they were all at the beach except—

"Karma?" Nathan's voice drifted through the open passenger window. "What are you doing out here?"

My heart started thundering in my chest. If I told him the truth, he would most likely tell Lanie. But on the other hand, it seemed like I was incapable of lying to anyone with the last name Jenkins.

So I went a different route. "I can ask you the same thing. What are you doing out here? "

He arched a brow. "I went to the ATM for my dad. Now spill it. Where are you going?"

"Who says I'm going anywhere?"

His lips curled in a sardonic smile. "If you aren't going anywhere then why are you standing outside of the hotel alone? And I saw you when I was driving up. You were looking around for someone." He broke eye-contact with me and looked through the windshield, his hand tightening on the steering wheel. "Secret boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend, Nathan. I just...needed to take care of something."

His body relaxed a little before he exhaled a deep breath. "Get in."

I frowned. "What?"

He leaned over in the car and opened the passenger door. "Get in, Karma. I'll take you where you need to go."

My eyes dropped to the empty seat. There was a war going on in my mind about what I should do and whether or not getting in this car with Nathan was a good idea. If he drove me, then he would know where I was going. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out the rest.

Heartstrings - Forbidden Hearts Series PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now