Why Couldn't I Just Tell Her?

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Amanda's thoughts Liz's thoughts

Liz's POV.

            I just pulled up to Amanda's house when she ran out to my car with tears in her eyes. I opened my car door instantly pulling her into a hug not even bothering to question why she looked like she hadn't slept in days. After a few minutes she pulled away before saying, "Jake broke up with me." I just pulled her back into another hug having suspected this was the case. I won't lie that I am glad that they broke up, whether Amanda saw it or not Jake wasn't good for her. I also couldn't lie that I had some feelings for her, not that I would admire them or anything, I would never ruin our friendship like that. After a while Amanda calmed down and we went to Starbucks to help cheer her up before going to a park and just talked about things ranging from cosplay to work and back to cosplay again.

          Once it started to get dark we went back to Amanda's to get into cosplay. We had decided to do Drarry tonight so I was getting Draco's wig in place when I noticed Amanda staring at me. "Earth to Amanda, Hello? Anyone there?" I asked, succeeding in snapping her out of her trance. "Huh..what?" She began questioning after realizing where she was. "You were staring at me." I told her. "Oh..." Amanda then mumbled mainly to herself though I could still hear her. "Ready to start some tiktoks?" I then asked, trying to change the subject. "Yeah lets do that." She replied looking relieved at the subject change.

Time Skip

3rd Person

       After a few hours of tiktoks, wine, and chaos posting, they got out of cosplay before settling down to plan a Drarry cmv. They were at that for a little while before they started to plan the spicy bits when Liz asked, "So how much are we wanting to put here?" knowing that she wanted to go very far seeing as that's one of the few times she can hold, touch, and kiss Amanda without it being weird or wrong. "Well you know I don't mind filming spice...especially with you.." Amanda responded, mumbling the last part but Liz still heard it. "What?" She then asked, trying not to get her hopes up that Amanda liked her back. "Well you're the closest I have ever been with any of my friends...so yeah heh." Amanda then tried to cover up what she said.

         "Oh..." Liz mumbled cursing herself for getting her hopes up, her heart dropping in the process. But unknown to Liz, Amanda's heart also broke with her statement knowing it wasn't true. After noticing that they weren't getting anywhere with planning anymore they got ready for bed still deep in their own thoughts.

Why didn't I just go ahead and do it? It was a perfect way to bring it up but I chickened out

Why did I have to fall in love with someone who just so happens to be my best friend that clearly doesn't have feelings for me? Why does the world hate me?

They both fell asleep that night to the same thought,

Why couldn't I just tell her?

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