Prologue: Awakening of Bloodlines! The True Naruto Uzumaki!

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"Ughhh...NO! I can't go to sleep!"

Something that Sakura continued to say in order to stay awake. Why? Well she and her two teammates are located in the Forest of Death, which is part of the Second Exams of the Chunin Exams.

You see, her two teammates, Naruto and Sasuke, are currently knocked out from their fight...well I wouldn't call it a fight... how else would I describe it? Ah! An ass whooping! They are currently knocked out from the ass whooping they received from a certain Sannin known as Orochimaru.

Long story short, Orochimaru gave Sasuke some mark to Sasuke which Sakura had no clue of what it was. The only thing she knew was that it seemed like as if he was in a lot of pain and he was running a high fever. Naruto on the other hand, had his chakra sealed off by Orochimaru.

With the two knocked out cold, it was Sakura's task to watch over them and look out for enemies. Which is one of the reasons why she is trying to keep herself awake.

We go back to Sakura as she see's a squirrel in the distance coming close to her. She smiled at first before she saw something that caught her eye, which made her throw a kunai at the squirrel. When the kunai embedded into the ground, it frighten the squirrel causing it to run away.

"Phew...that was close." She muttered to herself. Up in the trees, you could see three people looking down on the pink haired girl.

"Damn! I thought she wouldn't notice the paper bomb on that squirrel." A male voice cursed as he sighed.

"Of course she wouldn't let her guard down. She's constantly guarding those two so she'll be on guard." Another male voice stated neutrally as kept watching Sakura.

"Even though she's a fan girl and a embarrassment to Kunoichi, she sure does have a sharp mind." A female voice this time, complimented.

"Tch whatever. Let's just go down there and finish the mission that Lord Orochimaru assigned us." The brash voice said.

"Wait Zaku! Not yet-"

"No Kin. He's right. The faster we get this done, the quicker we move up to our ranks and Lord Orochimaru will acknowledge us." The girl was cut off by her team leader causing her to sigh.

"Sure whatever Dosu. You are the team leader anyways..." She said to the now known Dosu as the three of them jumped down from the ground.

Sakura quickly snapped her head up as she heard something land on the ground and to her horror, it was a team from the Sound.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" She yelled frantically as she took out a kunai. Zaku kept walking until he was stopped by Dosu.

"Why'd you stop me?" Zaku asked.

"Look at the ground moron." Dosu stated which caused Zaku to look down as his eyes widen.

"A trap?" He asked in slight shock as Dosu nodded.

"Yeah. It seems as if she made traps just in case if she was ever attacked. It's a surprise you didn't see this Academy level attack." Dosu said sarcastically causing Kin to snort as Zaku simply narrowed his eyes at her. Zaku then turned back to Sakura.

"We are for Sasuke Uchiha!" He yelled to her causing Sakura's eyes to widen in shock.

"What do you want from him?!" Sakura yelled as Zaku smiled smugly.

"We were ordered to kill him by our master." He said as he chuckled.

"Now wake him up. We want to fight him before we kill him." Dosu spoke this time in a dark tone as Kin smirked darkly.

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