Chapter 2

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"No one," Bryce responded as he slammed his computer shut to hide the tickets.

"I can see that you're on FaceTime," Josh laughed as he walked over to the phone.

I hung up the phone immediately so that Josh wouldn't see anything. I was just praying that Bryce wouldn't say anything stupid. If Bryce admits to us dating, then Josh is probably going to be mad at me for keeping secrets and it won't be as fun when I see him tomorrow. I didn't have to worry too much about it though, because Bryce can keep his mouth shut when he has to.

I went downstairs to make sure that my parents were okay with me going to California. I explained how I was going to surprise Josh and they were totally cool with it. It was actually surprising to me how chill they were about me going to California by myself. I guess I shouldn't be too shocked since technically I'm 18 and an actual adult.

I went back up to my room and started packing up my suitcase. I packed a ton of things since I didn't know how long I was going to be staying there for. It probably wouldn't be more than two weeks, but I would love to stay for over a month. Bryce didn't book a ticket for me to get home, so I just packed as much as I could in case I stayed for a long time.

After about half an hour of packing, I zipped up my suitcases and dragged them downstairs. I was so excited that I was going to be seeing Bryce for the first time since we started dating. It was actually surprising how well we made the long distance thing work.

I was also really excited to see how surprised Josh was going to be when I got there. Josh was one of my favorite people in the world and it was weird to think that I hadn't seen him for almost a year.

I dropped my suitcases off by the front door and went back up to my room. I started scrolling on TikTok and as usual, I ran across multiple different Braddison fan pages. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that they had no idea that I was the one actually dating him.

I did sometimes think about going public just because I wanted to see them make edits of me and Bryce. If we went public right now, there wouldn't be anything for them to edit since me and Bryce have never even made a TikTok together since we are more than 2,500 miles apart. So I guess there is really no way they could make edits of us anyways.

What would happen if we did go public? Josh would be mad at me for not telling him. Bryce would get hate. I would get hate. Overall, not a good idea so for now I'm going to keep this to myself.

I drove myself to one of my friend's houses. I figured that it would be best to say goodbye to a few people just in case I decide to stay in California for a while. I finished up with her and went back home. By this time, it was starting to get late so I called it a night and went to bed. I listened to the most recent BFF's podcast as I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and was super excited to go see Bryce and Josh. I threw on some Nike leggings with a matching black hoodie. I then went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I straightened my wavy brown hair and then combed through it a few times. I felt really good today and I couldn't have been more happy to go to California.

I said goodbye to my parents and my two other siblings before I grabbed my suitcase. I decided to have one of my friends drop my off at the airport since I knew my mom would get emotional if she took me.

We finally made it to the airport and I jumped out of the car and started heading inside. I stopped at a McDonald's inside the airport for some breakfast and then started heading towards my gate.

I boarded the plane and I had a six and a half hour flight ahead of me, so I made myself comfortable.

After a long flight, the plane finally landed in Los Angeles. I texted Bryce to tell him that I landed and he told me that he was on his way. I was so excited that I could hardly stand it. I got off the plane and walked over to the bag claim section of the airport. I grabbed my bags off the conveyor and headed outside.

I looked around until I finally laid eyes on Bryce. He was leaned up against the wall on his phone. I started running over to him and he finally looked up at me and a smile crept onto his face.

I dropped my bags and wrapped him into a nice hug. It was so surreal to finally be hugging the guy that I had been dating for nine months. I didn't want to let him go ever again and I was already dreading having to go back to Canada.

I broke the hug and looked into his dark brown eyes. "This is insane," I laughed.

"I know," He smiled as he pulled me into a kiss. I hadn't kissed anyone for more than a year and I forgot what it felt like. My stomach filled with butterflies as he placed his hand on my face. "Oh good," He said as he broke the kiss.

"What?" I smiled.

"I am just so glad that you aren't a terrible kisser."

"You thought I was going to be a bad kisser?" I laughed.

"Well, I didn't know!" He said as he grabbed my bags off the ground. We walked over to his Tesla and we started driving back to Bel Air.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"I was just going to go back to Sway, unless you want to stop somewhere else."

"I want to see Josh," I said as he placed his hand on my thigh which made my feel all fuzzy inside.

"Good thing he's at Sway then," He laughed.

"I'm so happy that you bought that ticket."

"Me too, now I don't have to do math every time I want to call you," He grinned.

"What?" I was genuinely confused.

"You're usually three hours ahead of me, so I have to figure out if you would be pissed if I call you."

"I don't get pissed off when you call me," I laughed.

"I called you the other night and you seemed pretty pissed off," He stated.

"It was one in the morning!" I stated. "And once I realized that it was you, I wasn't as pissed off."

We pulled into the driveway and I could feel my heart start beating faster. I was so excited to finally see Josh. We got out of the car and started sneaking inside through the back door. We got inside and Josh was filming something with Noah. I couldn't help but smile when I laid eyes on him.

I stared at him until he finally turned his head and made eye contact with me. I could see his face light up as he started running over to me.

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