Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was the middle of the night and whoever had the great idea to call me was going to regret it. I lifted up my phone and saw that it was 1:26 a.m. I groaned as I answered the phone, "What?"

"Why are you in such a mood?" I couldn't tell who's voice it was, but it was definitely a guy.

"It's 1:30 in the morning! What the hell do you want?" I was actually pissed at whoever it was.

"It's only 10- oh wait. Sorry, I forgot Canada is way off," Why was the voice not registering in my head?

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"I was just seeing if you wanted to talk, but never mind. Sorry for waking you up baby," Bingo! I finally matched the voice to the name. It was the one and only Bryce Hall.

I had been in a long distance relationship with Bryce for around nine months now. Literally nobody knew that it was even happening. Not my friends, not his friends, and definitely not my brother.

My brother, Josh, was best friends with Bryce and it is sort of surprising that he hadn't found out about us yet. I met Bryce when I went out to California to visit Josh. Long story short, Bryce gave me his number and we were texting back and forth for a few weeks before we made it official.

"Oh, sorry Bryce. I didn't realize it was you," I stated through the phone.

"You didn't check the caller ID before you answered?" He laughed. He actually did have a point, but my mind didn't function correctly at one in the morning.

"I'm tired, give me a break," I laughed.

"Alright, well just call me when you wake up tomorrow," Bryce said.

"I will, I love you," I yawned.

"I love you too princess," He said as he hung up the phone. I checked the time again for literally no reason and closed my eyes. I fell asleep in seconds and stayed that way for the rest of the night.

I woke up at nine and went straight to the bathroom to do my makeup. I didn't usually go crazy with my makeup, I just put on enough to cover my insecurities. I curled my hair and threw on a hoodie and some leggings.

A few hours later, I grabbed my phone off of the counter and FaceTimed Bryce. I usually called him when I woke up, when I went to sleep, and whenever I had free time in the day. The only problem with that was that he was three hours behind me, so when I woke up he was usually still asleep. The phone rang three times before he answered.

He was in the living room of the Sway House and I watched as he sat down on the couch. It looked like the room was empty, which was good since nobody could know about us. We were always very careful to make sure that nobody could overhear our conversations.

"Hey Em," He said with a smile. My name wasn't really Em, but there were actually a ton of people that called me that. My real name is Emma, which you would think would never need to be shortened, but for whatever reason, it was.

"Hey, Bryce," I said as I plopped down on my bed.

"How's your day been?" He asked me.

"It's been good so far, but it's only noon here. How has your day been?"

"Well, it's nine right now and I woke up at eight, so I haven't done much," He laughed.

"Same, my day has been lame," I stated. We sat in silence for a second before he started talking again.

"You look kind of hot right now," He grinned.

"Oh shut up!" I blushed with a laugh.

"I wish I could be with you," He smiled.

"I want to go back there so bad, but I don't really have a reason to."

"Isn't just visiting me a good enough reason?"

"I would love for that to be the reason, but I can't exactly tell people that reason."

"Then just say you want to visit Josh, it's not like there has to be a reason."

"I know, it's been almost a year since I've seen you guys."

"The craziest things is that we've been dating for nine months and I've never even hugged you," He said with a laugh.

"I wish I could just fly out there right now."

"Do it."

"How am I-" I was interrupted when he started talking again.

"I will fly you out here right now."

"You can't do that," I laughed.

"Watch me," He sat down his phone so I was looking straight at the ceiling. I heard him typing something and I was really hoping he was actually getting me a plane ticket, even though it made me feel guilty when he bought me things.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Give me a second."

"Bryce, what are you doing?"

"Can you just be quiet for a second?"

"You really don't have to fly me out there, I can get a ticket for in a few months. It's cheaper when you plan in advance."

"Too late, I already bought the ticket," He picked up his phone and aimed it at the screen with the flight information. "Your plane leaves at noon tomorrow."

"Bryce! You really didn't have to buy me a ticket, I could've payed for it."

"I want you here as soon as possible, I don't want to wait a few months."

"That's really sweet," I said with a smile. "I should probably tell Josh that I'm coming."

"What if we don't tell him?"

"You want me to fly to all the way to California and just not visit my brother?"

"That's not what I meant," He started. "I mean that we could surprise him with you. It would be great content."

"Oh yeah, that would be fun. So does that mean you're picking me up from the airport?" I asked.

"Yeah, just text me when you-" He was interrupted by the front door opening behind him. It was Josh.

"Yo, you ready to film?" He asked Bryce, but then he noticed Bryce's phone was on. I turned off my camera, hoping that he wouldn't notice that it was me. "Who are you talking to?"

Hey! Thanks for choosing to read this, I hope I live up to your standards for a story. I want this to be perfect for you guys, so leave me suggestions on what you want to see. I would also really appreciate it if you could vote on every chapter so that more people can see this story, thanks!

Calling- Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now