History Class

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Once she was dressed and ready, she had her make up on and she grabbed her phone as she dialled her Alec's number before she walked out to the car, which Rosalie was waiting for her, but she slowed down just to annoy her best friend even more

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Once she was dressed and ready, she had her make up on and she grabbed her phone as she dialled her Alec's number before she walked out to the car, which Rosalie was waiting for her, but she slowed down just to annoy her best friend even more.

"How are you getting to school?" Alec asked as she walked down the stairs, as he answered the call. There were a few options which would change how long they were on the phone for.

"Rosalie is waiting in the car, I'm going slowly to piss her off a bit." Arabelle told her sister flatly.

"I wonder at times how you two are best friends." Alec asked his wife with a low chuckle, which just made Adelaide's stomach turn.

"I wounder that at times but we have a lot in common other then annoying each other." Adelaide told him before she got outside and she sat in her best friends car.

"Hi Alec." Rosalie told the phone in her best friend's hand as she knew he would be the only one she would be calling.

"Hi Rosalie." He answered before Adelaide drew her phone back up to her ear before she continued her conversation with her husband.


It wasn't long before they arrived to the high school. Adelaide got out of the car, all eyes on Adelaide and Rosalie as they met with Jasper, Emmett, Alice and Edward.

"History." Adelaide said as they were both stood stiffly.

"Yep." Jasper whispered back but loud enough for Adelaide's ear to pick up.

"With Tanner?" She whispered back to the Texan.

"Yep." He told her back in the same tone.

"This will be fun." She told him before they both walked off to their lesson's staying stiff in their posture, knowing that if there was one drop of blood split they would be out running for that blood, she might have been alive for a long time but she would drink Human blood when she would go visit Alec, so she had quite bad control around blood, but she would stand it if she had a distraction, and in a school there was none, but in a hospital she had Carlisle there to keep her calm .


"World War Two ended in?" Mr Tanner asked them all. "Anyone got anything?" He asked the class when they were all in silence bored out of their minds. Adelaide and Jasper sending notes back and forth to one another. "Miss Ashworth?" She just shook her head. "1945"

Jasper and Adelaide just turned to face each other as they rolled their eyes in unison.

"Pearl Harbor?" Mr Tanner continued, like anyone was paying attention at this point. "Mr Hale? Pearl Harbor" He added.

Jasper was sat there in silence, never going to reply, so Adelaide just stepped in. "December 7th 1941." She was really good at history, I mean she did live through all of American history, she was older then the country and she knew about all of it's history.

"Thank you Mr Hale." Mr Tanner told them getting the name wrong on purpose, and very pointedly towards Adelaide.

"Well you were never gonna say nothing." Adelaide told the boy to her right under her breath. Well just for him to hear her. "Any time." She added so he could hear her.

"Very well." Mr Tanner told the girl. "The fall of the Berlin Wall."

"1989. I'm very good with dates, sir." Adelaide told him. Adding the sir sarcastically, it dripping off her tongue.

"Are you, how good? Keep it to the year." Mr Tanner told her. "Civil right's act." He started with. Adelaide and it was something she just knew immediately like everything else. It really wasn't long ago.

"1964." She told him simply.

"John F. Kennedy Assasination." Mr Tanner asked her.

"1963." She told him simply, with a small smile as everyone else in the Classroom shuffled in their seats.

"Martin Luther King." Mr Tanner asked her. Stepping towards her.

"'68." She told him simply, with a coy smile.

"Lincoln." Mr Tanner asked her, taking another step.

"1865." She told him simply, sitting higher in her seat.

"Roe Vs Wade." Mr Tanner asked her, taking another step.

"1973." She told him simply, as Jasper in her peripheral moved the papers they had been talking on, for the entire lesson, as they just didn't need to listen to this.

"Brown Vs Board." Mr Tanner asked her, taking another step.

"1954." She told him simply, as she looked up at his ugly mug.

"The Battle of Gettysburg.." Mr Tanner asked her, taking another step.

"1863." She told him simply, how easy was he making this, slip in more about none American events, spice it up a little.

"Korean War." Mr Tanner asked her, taking his final step.

"1950 to 1953." She told him simply, that was one she remembers in history when there was the news of it.

"Ha is ended in 52!" Tanner told her getting in her face.

She felt Jasper's powers go into work, calming her, she had known about these from when she was alive and she knew History better than he did, she was the oldest in the room by a long shot. Well maybe Tanner was close behind, he did look old, but the two vampires knew history better, especially Adelaide.

"Actually Sir it ended in '53." She told him looking him in the eyes. Still saying 'Sir' sarcastically.

"Look it up, Quickly." He told the class. Tyler already looking it up.

"It was 1953." He called out to the class, She leaned back how she previously sat and smirked at Tanner.


"How was History?" Edward asked with a knowing smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh awesome. I got to one up him." Adelaide told him, smiling as they were away from the stench of humans waiting for the rest of the Cullen's.

And just a few seconds later Emmett came bounding out with Rosalie not far behind. "Short Stack!." Emmett told her as he picked her up from behind, Rosalie laughing at her man's excentrics, to his best friend other than Jasper.

"Em, please put me down so I can hug Rose." Adelaide told him with a pout, Emmett placing her on the ground.

Before she moved to Rosalie, as they hugged and Adelaide placed her head in her neck before they swayed. "How was History?"

"Amazing I got to one up Tanner. He was just asking the simplest questions." Adelaide told the girl as she got her phone out of her bag, having not contacted her mate since the start of the lessons for the day.

Alice and Jasper were the last two to come outside and join the coven. "Right it's time." Alice told them all as they walked to the doors. As she held the door open and Rosalie and Emmett walked in to the Cafeteria.

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