Season 1 Chapter 4 : Welcome to Happy Harbor

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Superboy: As long as their the only ones.

Wally: *to Miss Martian* So, can you do that ghosting through walls thing that Manhunter does?

M'gann: Density shifting? No. I-It's a very advanced technique.

Robin: Flash can vibrate his molecules right through a wall.*chuckles* When he does it, bloody nose.

Wally: Dude!

M'gann: Here's something I can do.

The ship turns invisible.

M'gann: Camouflage mode.

Red Tornado: Red Tornado to Miss Martian. An emergency alert has just been triggered at the Happy Harbor Power Plant. I suggest you investigate covertly. I'm sending coordinates. 

M'gann: Received. Adjusting Course.

Dick: *scoffs* Tornado's keeping us busy again.

M'gann: Well a simple fire led you to Superboy. We should find out what caused the alert.

Y/n: I think I know what caused it.

Superboy: What?


Everyone looked in the direction Y/n was looking at and saw the twister. The Bio-ship got caught in the twister and started spinning. M'gann soon got the ship out of the twister and landed it. The six jumped out ready to stop the cyclone in front of them.

Kaldur: Robin, are tornados common in New England? Robin?

They all heard a cackle from him.

M'gann: He was just here.

Y/n: Okay, he's gotta stop doing that. Or at least teach me.

Y/n runs into the power plant with the others behind him. When they got in, Robin was on the ground. Super boy leapt to his side.

Superboy: Who's your new friend?

Dick: Didn't catch his name, but he play kinda rough.

???: My apologies. You may address me as Mr. Twister.

Mr. Twister creates a gust of wind which Superboy powers through getting closer to the android. Mr. Twister creates a mini tornado spinning and flinging Superboy making him crash into a wall.

Wally puts on his goggles and runs towards Twister and tried to kick him but Twister makes a barrier of wind and catches then throws Wally outside the factory. 

Twister turns back around and sees M'ganna and Kaldur charging towards and make two mini tornados sending them flying

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Twister turns back around and sees M'ganna and Kaldur charging towards and make two mini tornados sending them flying.

Y/n: Mr. Twister, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. His name is Humungousaur!

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