Start from the beginning

Piper: A story. Grams told you she got rid of the Woogyman in the basement so you could sleep better.

[Cut to the basement. The gas man is looking around. The light goes out and he turns on his flashlight. He sees a crack in the ground and kneels down to get a closer look. He grabs his screwdriver and sticks it in the crack. Black fog or smoke rises out of the crack. It's the Woogyman.]

Gas man: What the...?

Woogyman: You have freed me. And now you'll help take back the house.

(The Woogyman enters his body and the gas man becomes evil.)

[Cut back to the kitchen. Piper's holding the mail.]

Piper: Who's Chanda Lier?

Phoebe: Oh, there for me. I ordered some CD's.

Piper: Using a fake name to score some free CD's. Isn't that a little dishonest?

Prue: Is Phoebe's dark side rearing its ugly head?

Phoebe: I do not have a dark side thank you very much. And just because I protect the innocent, doesn't mean I have to be innocent all the time.

Piper: Ooh, I don't know. Still believing in the Woogyman is pretty innocent. It's so cute too.

Prue: Yeah, well, you didn't think it was so cute when we were all sharing a room which kept you up all night.

Phoebe: It was scary and it was real.

(The gas man walks out of the basement.)

Piper: So? What's the verdict?

Gas man: Bad.

Prue: Bad as in destroy my entire dinner party or bad as in you can fix quickly, it'll just cost more than my entire education.

Gas man: By tonight, there will be no more problems.

(He walks back in the basement.)

Prue: Okay, I'm off.

(She leaves the kitchen.)

Piper: Yeah, uh, I gotta go too. I'm going to the wine store. Here, for you. (She hands Phoebe the mail.)

Phoebe: Thanks.

[Cut to the basement.]

Gas man: (Talking to his shadow) Which one do you want?

Phoebe: (from the top of the stairs) Uh, I'll just be upstairs if you need me.

(The shadow points.)

Shadow: Phoebe.

(The gas man nods.)

Opening Credits

: Bucklands. Prue's office. She's picking things up off the floor. She straightens a picture on the wall with her powers. Claire enters.]

Claire: Little down on the left.

(Prue turns around.)

Prue: Thanks. (She walks over to it and straightens it.) Uh, so, was this your first quake?

Claire: And hopefully my last. I prefer my ceilings above me. All right, this is the final guest list for tonight. All-important clients to me, to Bucklands, and therefore to you. And at the top of the list...

(Claire hands her a sheet of paper.)

Prue: Professor Whittlesey. Didn't she just buy the Calder?

Claire: Well, her family did and they can afford to buy much, much more. And for whatever reason she's fascinated with your house, your job is to keep her happy.

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