Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

I needed time to assess the damage, before I could let on I knew.

"You'll write me? Before you depart from home?" I asked.

"As always," he said. "I will send it as soon as I am there. What would you like me to tell you father?"

"Tell him whatever you like. It's unlikely he'll ask about me."

"I think given the circumstance he will be quite angry you're not with our party."

I groaned. "Then tell him I am needed here. For Oreia's presence."

"As you wish," he nodded, climbing into the cart.

"Elías?" I sang.


"...Be careful."

Willoughby sighed as they melted into the sunrise. We met eyes, and after a moment of that he said, "You're up to something."

"What?" I scoffed. "Don't try to predict me, Daniel. You're embarrassing yourself."


"...Usually you'd be right," I conceded. "But in this moment the only thing I'm up to is my knees in melancholia."

"I wish I could ease that for you" he hummed. "I am but a shade of Ser Elías."  

"Heavens," I snarked. "If that were true he never would've left me in your charge."

"Did he have another option?"

"...Yes." I decided to admit. "His choice of any knight for this trip in actuality. And in spite of my begging, he was very insistent it be you."

"You begged him not to consider me?" The corners of his grin sank.

"In my defense. I didn't know you." I sighed, debating on the praise I could offer. "You were just the odd knight that commented on the weather too often. But I am glad he pushed it."

"He never told me all that," he added. "He said you'd chosen me."

"He lied. You see, when Elías takes you under his wing, he doesn't tell you. He just expects you to realize you're being groomed."

"Then where are we headed?" he asked as we started walking.

"To check on Mr. Evergreen," I said.

"A mister now, is he? You were intent I call you Svana last night," he said. "Oh... You aim to put distance between each other?"

"I aim to spare myself," I pouted. "The truth is he's lied. Several times. About small; large things. It doesn't seem to matter. If wanting to avoid lying encourages distance? So be it."

"Last night he was your soulmate," Willoughby boasted. 

I shrugged, "A confession borne of exhaustion and worry, nothing else."

"The revelation was about Willem not Cyrus, and therefore borne of anything but!"

I growled, guteraly. "Are you his knight or mine?"

"Yours, and it's because of that I am obligated to protect you," he stated.


"Even from yourself." After a small pause, I groaned and twirled my hand to make him go on. He stopped us, just short of the Palace door. "When you were a child, and you would lie in your bed at night, what did you dream of? Crowns and castles?"


"No." He nodded. "You're like me. What then?"

"...Swords and Horses." He squinted, and I explained. "A game we used to play. When he was Willem."

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