Two: Twisted Fate

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Maxon's POV

"Announcing the arrival of General Maxon Schreave of New Asia!" the announcer shouted then bowed to me.

I acknowledged him then the crowd.

I finally would see my long-time fiancee, America Singer, the princess of Illèa. After a lifetime of endless hardships and work to seal a marriage between her and I.

She's finally mine and mine only.

I walk into the crowd and hear murmurs and giggles. I ignore them. I only want to see America. I only got to see her in pictures and on TV since I'm always preoccupied with work on settling disputes and running New Asia. I'm also planning to wage a war on against the French Federation. I plan to crush Daphne Cessairè. I despise her.

America is the key to my plans. After tonight, the public will know that Illéa and New Asia will be forever bound by our marriage. Our country's powers would be combined to overcome our rival countries which include the French Federation and to expand our colonies.

I took a swig of Gin. The another. Then some Vodka. And then some. I kind of lost track of how many sips I took from my chalice made of pure and silver studded with precious gems.

Tonight, America would be mine. Her purity would be mine to take tonight.

I feel so stressed lately so I take more swigs and clutch my chalice impatiently.

After an eternity, they announce her appearance.

"Her Majesty, America Singer! Alongside, His Highness, King Shalom Singer and Her Majesty, Queen Magda Singer!" the announcer gleefully announced.

America stood frozen for a brief moment then she curtsied with a straight face.
Her parents seemed to be more than pleased to be there but her... not so. I wonder why is that. Was she not happy to be with me? No, no. That couldn't be it. I'm the image of a perfect soon-to-be king. Handsome, rich, strong, and most of all... powerful.

She made her way to the crowd and the music started to play. A symphony of violins and cellos accompanied by flutes and harps played in the background, playing a slow waltz. Then the crowd sighed with delight as they started dancing, making space for America and I in the middle of the dance floor.

I bowed in front of her then she curtsied in return.

"You look beautiful as always, my America." I smiled, knowing what happens later tonight.

"Thank you, General Maxon," she said coldly. Without a hint of emotion.

I reached out my hand then she took it. We started dancing the Waltz as people around as swooned. I ignored the crowd as the only thing I saw were America's gorgeous blue eyes fixed on mine.

I saw worry and sadness in her eyes. I wondered why she would feel those emotions. I always adored her from afar and saw her grown-up into the beautiful woman she is today.

Tonight is her 18th birthday which means that her betrothal to me would be announced tonight since she is the heiress of Illéa.

Is America worried that I might treat her badly? Is she sad that she would marry me out of an arrangement? I wipe those thoughts away as I focused on the precious moment of having America's first dance out of her eighteen dances.

America's POV

Internally, I was panicking!

I knew that tonight I would be Maxon's. He smelled of Gin and Vodka. I tried to hide my disgust for him so I just put on a straight face and smiled for the crowds and the cameras. There are so much people tonight. I just want to be with Lucy tonight, playing piano or guitar, singing happy or love songs.

But no, tonight they will announce my betrothal to General Maxon... They never asked me if I wanted this marriage or not. Nobody ever asked me what I wanted. Except for Lucy, she always asked what dessert I wanted after dinner or which dress I would like to wear tomorrow.

Lucy was more like a sister to me rather than a lady-in-waiting from the start.

The music ended and I let go of Maxon's strong grasp. I quickly ran to the restrooms.
Luckily nobody was there so I could take a moment to absorb what was happening tonight.

Tonight I was going to be his. Tonight he gets to have his way with me. Tonight I had no choice but just to go along with it.

I hid in a cubicle and cried and cried, silencing my gasps for hours, trying to drown my misery.

"America? Is that you? It's me, Lucy. Are you crying, your Majesty?" she gently knocked on the door of my cubicle.

"Y-Yes, it's me... Help me, Lucy. Please Lucy!" I pleaded her desperately.

I opened the door of my cubicle and held both of her hands.

"Lucy, let's run away. I don't want to be his. I hate him! I dont want to be married to him!" I looked into her eyes. Begging her with sincerity.

She shook her head. "If ever, where would we go? Everyone in the kingdom knows you, America. Your parents would be very mad if we ever did that! Especially General Max-"

"Excuse me ladies. America, sweetheart, what are you planning to do exactly?" Maxon smirked, reeking of alcohol.

Lucy gasped. I froze. Then Maxon grabbed me by the arm then dragged me forcibly to a secluded corner. He pinned me with his strong arms.

"Remember this America: you're mine and mine only. Nobody owns you but me!" Maxon then kisses me in the neck while covering my mouth, silencing my screams while his other hand trying to desperately undress me.

Lucy then threw a shoe at him!

"Get your hands off the princess!" she yelled at Maxon with fire in her eyes in an angry expression.

Maxon then let go off me.

"RUN!" Lucy shouted at me while Maxon tackled Lucy.

I ran and ran until I was tired. I waited and looked around the corner if anyone was there.

Thank God, there was no one. Then I heard angry footsteps.

"AMERICA, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Maxon yelled, his voice echoing in the hallway.

I gasped, covering my mouth, knowing if he heard me, it would be the end.

I looked around for anything to save me.

I only saw a window since I was in a dead end.

"FOUND YOU!!" Maxon screamed in delight.

My eyes grew wide.

I had two choices: be the wife of a crazy, blood-thirsty, and drunk general OR jump out of window and pray that God saves me from certain death of a hundred foot jump.

Maxon ran then pounced at me but I jumped out the window just in time to not be grasped by his cruel hands.


I landed with a loud this on the ground. My vision was blurred; all I could see was a green fuzz which I would assume was grass and some crimson which I assumed was my blood.

Oh, no. If no one would help me right now, I would bleed to death on the spot. My body was too weak to move from the pain of the pain.

As I felt like loosing hope, my eyes were closing, I heard footsteps on the grass. Someone picked me up.

My vision went out.


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