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she was so happy that her brother let her move into his crib.

or else she would definitely be living in hell.

she sighed as she walked into the bedroom, everything set up just to her liking. amir had asked what she'd like a long time ago and made sure he had her covered.

she would sit down on the edge of the bed as she opened her suitcase, dumping the contents on the bed. she would put on a random song as she would start to organize, not realizing her brother would be standing at the doorway.

"i know this isn't the place you dreamed of having your abroad year in, but trust me i'm gonna make this your favorite place by the end."

she would shake her head but continue to put her stuff back. she wasn't even thinking about england itself persay. more like the man that her brother was friends with.

from the outfit to the voice she couldn't get him out of her mind. it was a problem since the only thing she should be focusing on is her work.

the only reason she's here is college, not to gawk over a man she couldn't even see.

"i just want to get out of here as fast as possible." she would say, chuckling. she would quickly finish up and change into some matching sweatpants.

"i'm gonna take a nap, don't disrupt me!" she would say as she plopped down on the bed, slowly falling asleep.


camir would jolt out of her sleep almost two hours to see the time and her room being dark. she would rub her eyes, get up, wash her face, and walk out into the dimly lit kitchen.

as she would pick up a set of microwaveable meals out the fridge she would hear a door open, realizing it wasn't her brothers door once she turned away from said microwave.

she would be faced with the male she thought the most about today, now actually being able to see his face.

and it was sexier than she imagined.

"it's late as fuck, what you doin up?" the male would ask, leaning back on the counter as he eyed camir.

"i have to eat." she would plainly say, watching the microwave as her meal heated up.

"your brother wants me to give you a tour around the hot spots, you good or do you want me not to?"

she would turn around and look at the male, nodding and giving him a shrug. it isn't gonna be anything more than what those england travel sites show, so it wouldn't be so bad.

again, she shouldn't have said that. she really really shouldn't have said that.

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