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"camir it's only a year in england. i'm sure you'll be fine." camir heard her mother say as she started to pack up her things.

camir's college had a choice where to send her abroad and they sent her to england of all places.

why couldn't it be somewhere nicer like spain or possibly the middle eastern regions? why england?

"but mom, it's england. what sightseeing will i do there. they could've picked somewhere with a nicer view." she would say, groaning after every word.

"you're there for the education, not the aesthetic. get your ass dressed."

camir would groan as her mother voice boomed out as she was walking back towards her room.

it's only going to be a year, what's the worse that could happen?

she definitely shouldn't of said that.

as she left out of her mothers driveway she started to silently cry, not knowing how this year was going to turn out.

she felt bad for leaving and hoped she'd get home almost a thousand times before she got on the road. she at-least hoped that she'll forget about homesickness once she gets to england.

an hour and a half later and camir was at the airport. As she sat down at the terminal, waiting to be able to on she saw a male sit down across from her.

he had on a bright yellow balaclava and all yellow outfit.

'If he didn't want to bring attention to himself he should've picked a different color.'  she thought, silently laughing to herself.

"camir?" she would look up as she heard the voice call her name, furrowing her eyebrows once she did look up.

"amir what are you doing in a airport?" she would ask her brother once he sat down next to her.

"coming back from reasons you don't need to know." he would say, looking at the male with the bright balaclava before looking at her.

"this is my boy cench. cench, this is my sister that I've been telling you about." once the male heard the word sister he perked up and sat up straight, his eyes staring dead at her.

"nice to meet you. heard good things." he would say, his low British accent almost booming in her ears.

"never heard of you." she would say straight up, looking the male up and down.

"good. that means amir did what i ask. not tell anyone about me." the male known as cench would say, his eyes moving as if he was grinning underneath the bally he had on.

she would furrow her eyebrows but not say a thing, nodding and getting up once she heard her seat group getting ready to get on the plane.

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