Chapter 6: Come Home Aizawa.

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(A/N: Normal-ish length chapter. 1363 words, including a/n.)


"We're all here Sho." Yagi reassured the erasure hero with a soft smile.

Aizawa's glaze then fell upon Shinso, who had tears streaming down his face. The erasure hero's first instinct was to go comfort him but when he went to do so he was stopped by his restraints. This caused Shota to look around at his surroundings and take in where he was. "What the-? What the fu-hell is happening? Why am I restrained?!" He yelled frantically, still keeping in mind not to swear in front of Shinso.

"Calm down Sho. What's the last thing you remember?" Hizashi asked calmly.

All was silent for a good few seconds as Aizawa tried regain his memory. "I.. I remember patrol.." Shota muttered as his eye twitched and he winced.

"It's okay Aizawa, don't push yourself." Toshi said then turned to one of the security cameras in the room. "Let's get him outta here Tsukauchi." The officer agreed and had the guards to remove his restraints.

All Might, Present Mic and Shinso waited outside the visiting room as the guards led Aizawa to them. As soon as Shinso could see his father he immediately sprinted over to him and tackle-hugged him down to the floor. The purple haired boy clung onto Shota for dear life as he balled his eyes out into his father's chest. The raven haired man was not much of a hugger, especially in front of other people, but before he could even think he wrapped his arms around his son. Aizawa held Shinso close to him as he slowly sat up on the floor with the young boy. Shota smiled softly as he gently ruffled the boy's purple hair. Yagi and Hizashi smiled as they watched the two in front of them.

"What did I tell you about the waterworks, kiddo?" Shota questioned with a small chuckle as he sat up with Shinso still in his arms. The student lifted his head to look up at the raven haired man as he wiped his tears away. The young man cleared his throat before speaking.

"Chin up, kiddo, no matter where you are, no matter who or what gets in the way, I'll always be watching over you." Shinso repeated the old cheesy saying his father used to say to him when he was younger.

"And what else did I tell you?" Shota question as his lips curled into a small soft smile.

"To.. To face everyday with a smile." The young boy said, giving the erasure hero a smile of his own.

Aizawa chuckled softly and ruffled the boy's hair before standing up with him. "That's my boy." He said softly and pulled Shinso into another embrace which he returned. Seeing this side of Aizawa warmed Toshi's heart. It was very rare to see as he hardly ever showed anyone how he truly felt. Towards anyone else that is. Tsukauchi walked over to them and looked at Aizawa. "Come see me sometime tomorrow. I need to ask you some questions about recent events that has happened." The officer stated and Shota looked back at him confused.

"What events?" He asked. He had no memory of the USJ or anything after his patrol that happened a few months ago.

"We'll explain tomorrow. Take care of yourself." Tsukauchi said with a smile before walking off.

"Have I really been out for that long?" Aizawa asked, turning his attention to Toshi and Hizashi who just nodded at him.

"But enough about that. Let's get you both home. You deserve to rest Sho." Yagi said with a smile as they made their way back to Nem, who was waiting outside in the car.

They soon arrived back at All Might's apartment. Mic tried to insist on staying again but Aizawa kept insisting back that he was fine. Hizashi soon gave in but insisted on coming to check on him in the morning which he agreed to just to get the voice hero off his back. Yagi, Aizawa and Shinso walk into the No.1 hero's apartment and get settled.

Yagi walked into the kitchen and immediately started making something for everyone to eat. Shota looked over at Toshi while he cooked and smiled slightly, seeing the hero was wearing his Bronze Age costume. 'Why is he wearing that? Did he remember it's my favourite?' Shota thought to himself but shook his head, pulling the thought from his mind.

Aizawa sat down on the couch with Shinso. "How has school been without me?" He asked, looking at the purple haired boy.

"It's been..different. But I had Uncle Mic around so I guess it wasn't so bad." Shinso explained with a small smile as he looked up at Shota.


They ate the food Toshi had made for them all then headed off to bed. Yagi managed to persuade Shota to stay in his room while he sleeps on the couch.

It was late at night, roughly 2:15 in the morning, and All Might still couldn't get himself to sleep no matter how hard he tried. The No.1 hero sat up and looked around his dimly lit living room. The blonde sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. Toshinori stood as he heard movement coming from his room. All Might slowly and quietly made his way to his room. Trying to be as quiet as possible, he entered his room, closing the door behind him. Yagi looked over at Aizawa to see he was asleep but he was tossing and turning. It looked like he was having a nightmare.

The blonde slowly walked over and sat down next to Shota on his bed. "Sho?" He spoke softly and tried to wake him gently. The erasure hero jolted awake, activating his quirk as he raised a fist but he stopped himself when he saw Toshinori.

"Oh, it's you All Might.." Aizawa sighed and lay back down. "Sorry, did I wake you?" He asked, moving his bangs out from his face. Toshi felt a light blush creep it's way onto his cheeks as he watched the younger hero carefully.

Snapping himself from his thoughts he waved his hands in front of his face. "N-No, no, nothing like that. I just came to see if you were okay. You looked like you were having a nightmare.." he explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

" I'm fine All Might." Eraserhead said, coldly and averted his gaze. Yagi simply nodded to the other hero before standing. He was about to leave when he felt Shota gently grab his wrist. "Can.. Can you stay?" He started. "I-I'd understand if you say no."

Yagi simply smiled softly then sat back down again next to Eraser. "Of course I will." This made Shota give him a small smile as he settled back down into bed. The erasure hero looked up at All Might and tilted his head.

"What are you doing?" He scoffed making Yagi tilt his head. "Get under the covers, idiot." He said with a small chuckle. The blush on the No.1 hero's face grew and became darker as he slowly lay down next to Shota under the covers.

They lay next to each other for a few minutes in silence. Yagi couldn't stop himself from admiring Aizawa as he tried to fall back to sleep. He watched in awe as the younger hero's chest rose and fell slowly as he breathed. Eraserhead rolled over onto his side, facing Toshi. 'I wonder how he'd react if I hugged him..' All Might thought to himself, not taking his eyes off the other hero. He gently brought the other man in closer before wrapping his large arms around him. This caught Eraser off guard but he didn't mind it. Aizawa gently rested his head on the No.1 hero's chest as he slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

That night Toshi watched as the man he had grew to love and care for most finally fall back to sleep. Printed on his face, was the biggest smile Yagi had ever seen.

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