I shook her hand away, ''You are helping a MURDERER! YOU WILL GO TO JAIL!",
A hand slapped my face; it made me hit the back of my head against the floor.
"Oops. My hand slipped," Tim smiled and knelt down next to me.
''I don't like it when people get louder and say rude things like that," he handed Ashley a knife.
''Ashley, won't go to jail; she's a good girl," then he patted her head and kissed her.

Disgusted, I looked away.
"Well then. I want you to kill her; I'll go upstairs," he smiled gently and stood up, ''When you're ready, come on. We have to go, get everything ready! Rose will come today. I'm sure she understood my message. Haha..." he went up the stairs and closed the door. Ashley took one deep breath in and out before raising the knife.
"You really want to kill me now? Do you really want to become a killer?" I wasn't afraid, no, I was angry, and you could hear it in my voice.

She slowly lowered the knife; she seemed to be thinking, but then her eyes flashed wildly.
She pulled the knife against my arm. Hissing, I tried to suppress my cry of pain, but it was difficult.
''I hate everything. I hate everything! Yes, I will become a murderer! I'm going to kill Rose today; you'll die with her!" she pressed harder with the knife, so hard that I was afraid she would split my bone. 

The blood flowed wildly from my arm. She pulled the knife and put it against my chest right at the level of my heart.

"I'm going to stab her right here. The knife should go through your heart," she said.
''And what will you get out of it if you do it?" I still had my breathing under control; that's why my voice sounded firm.
"I want her gone; she's a pain in the ass, "And when she's gone, what do you think will happen to you?"

"I don't care; the main thing is that she is gone."
"Be reasonable; you can still make everything right. You can finish everything. Believe me."

She looked at me as if she was really considering as if she was thinking about what else she could do, "I've already done too much; I'm going to be punished either way."

Shocked, my eyes widened.

''I helped him kill the nurse, I helped him... and I shot them, Rose and Dean. I've been in too deep for too long. I'm already fucked up."
"H-H-How?" I stammered out.
''He had me for a long time. Then, finally, Mrs.Smith caught on; she tried to prevent worse...I let her down; she had to die because of me. I don't feel like it anymore. My life had no real meaning from the beginning," Ashley stood up.

She pressed her hand against my open wound, which made me scream. The pain laced my head; It was too much.
She pulled me to the table and tied me with the rope, "I'm going to let you die slowly."

''Ashley, please. Don't let yourself be manipulated. It is never too late. You have a purpose in life too. You were never alone," I tried to soften her somehow, but she was... like she was not herself at all.

It was just scary how this man had her under control. She knelt down next to me and looked at me for a long time.
"You know... Rose is probably crying right now... Because her friend died a few years ago, today is her death anniversary. It's very close to her heart because the friend sacrificed herself for her... She assumes. Yet she didn't actually KILL herself. Tim threatened her, and he had a gun that day. This girl saw him; he didn't have the gun pointed at her but on Rose. And he was ready to pull the trigger. This girl was really... I admire her. Do you know why? Both of them were true friends. Really. They both did everything they could to make sense of their horrible lives. Both still had hope because they had each other. Such good... People," Ashley sighed, "I'm going to go now."

''ASHLEY!" I called after her, but she didn't turn around again; she walked away.
I slammed my head against the table leg. What a piece of shit! I can't believe this!

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