Wrong Locker - 2

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Momo walked into U.A. University early that morning, punctual as usual. By her side was her close friend and student council vice president, Itsuka Kendo. As usual, Kendo left early to finish her student council duties (mostly to avoid angering the student council president, Tenya Iida). Momo continued her way into the school, stopping by her locker, locker 12J. As Momo opened her locker a piece of paper fell out onto the floor.

"What's this?" She asked herself, picking up the piece of paper. She opened the folded note and read to herself the contents. "Oh dear," She sighed, mentally facepalming as she realized someone gave her their locker combination.

"What's that you have over there," Ochako asked, popping up out of nowhere, as she peeked from behind Momo. "Oh, is it a secret admirer?!" Her tone was excited as she motioned for Momo to hand over the piece of paper.

"Not a secret admirer," Momo replied, pulling the piece of paper closer to her as if she was keeping a secret. "I think someone put this note into the wrong locker."

"How can you tell?" Midoriya asked, tilting his head in confusion, as he stood next to Ochako.

"The note talked about a borrowed textbook, but I never gave someone a textbook to borrow," Momo replied. "But the problem is that this stranger gave me their locker combination."

"Yikes," Ochako said with an awkward smile.

"Yes, meaning I'm going to need to write back to this stranger immediately. I'd rather not get in the middle of a situation," Momo pulled out a small sheet of paper from her notepad,  assuming whoever's locker the note was supposed to go to needs their textbook. Ochako and Midoriya waved off to Momo, as they headed down the hall to their own lockers.

The moment she was done writing to the stranger she read over the note, glad that she had mentioned how dangerous it is to share locker combinations. "Ah wait, I should put my initials on the note to be nice," She thought aloud to herself in the empty hallway that only held a few students.

Momo pulled out the previous note she pocketed to locate the right locker. 'Locker 7H,' She thought to herself, 'Maybe I should ask Itsuka if she knows who owns this locker.'

Momo double-checked the locker before she slipped the note in, not wanting to drag another person into the situation she was currently in. After slipping the note in she headed back over to her locker to retrieve her History book for her first class.


Hello anonymous, it seems there's a mix-up regarding your locker situation, as I surely didn't lend my textbook to anyone. I hope everything gets sorted out nonetheless. Although, I highly recommend not sharing your locker combination with anyone else as it can be dangerous.

- Y.M.


Kyouka walked to school later than most people, one of the lucky few to have their free period as first period. The moment she entered the doors to her university she was met with Denki who stood in the pathway between the two entrances.

"Kyouka!" Denki screamed out to Kyouka, immediately noticing her. "You didn't put my textbook in my locker! Do you know how embarrassing it is to share your textbook with Mineta, the class perv?"

"No, nor do I want to imagine that," Kyouka replied, walking towards her locker with Denki following close behind. "I put a note in your locker, didn't you read it?"

"What do you mean?" Denki questioned, unable to recall any note inside his locker. "You didn't put anything in my locker."

"You sure?"

"I know I'm dumb, but I'm not blind. I swear you never put anything in my locker."

Kyouka's eyes widened as she felt a rush of fear, pausing her habit of opening her locker to look at Denki. "What do you mean there wasn't anything in your locker?!" She shrieked in panic, grasping the boy's shoulders to look at her. "I put my fucking locker combination on that note goddammit!"

Denki's eyes briefly widened as his mouth formed the letter 'O.' "How bad can it be anyways, what do you put in there? Textbooks?"

"If you must know, I put my music notebook in my locker since I come up with shit sometimes during class." Kyouka snarkily replied, "Holy crap, what if they raided my locker!" Kyouka immediately started opening the lock to her locker. As Kyouka opened the locker after a couple of failed attempts, she failed to notice the small red note that had fallen onto the floor. She shoved Denki's textbook into his chest before going back to raiding her locker, looking for a specific purple notebook. Upon finding it a wave of relief rushed over Kyouka, as she leaned against her locker hugging the purple notebook to her chest.

"You dropped something," Denki bent down, grabbing the red piece of paper, handing it to Kyouka. "It must be from whoever's locker you put that note in."

Kyouka read the note, finally feeling completely calm, chuckling at the lecturing note from the stranger and the initials they left at the end of the note. "Whoever owns this locker is definitely a big rule follower and has ten times better handwriting than you," Kyouka mused out loud to Denki. Before Denki could reply Kyouka realized something. "You idiot, you gave me the wrong locker!"

"I didn't give you the wrong locker! I specifically put 12L on there!"

"L?!" Kyouka repeated, looking at Denki in shock. "You call that messy ass looking J an L!"

"It was a lowercase L, god!"

"Then why did your lowercase L have a-"

A sharp cough interrupted Kyouka. "Will you two please avoid shouting in the halls, you'll end up causing quite a scene," Iida respectfully said, pushing his glasses up briefly.

"Sorry pres," The two replied at the same time, shrinking in embarrassment. Iida walked away soon after to survey the halls.

Kyouka waved off Denki after he apologized and went back to the note that was still in her clenched fist. Kyouka stood there for a second as she thought to herself on possibly replying to the stranger to avoid any future run-ins. As Kyouka finished writing her note she signed off with her two initials, silently chuckling at how dorky it seemed to her. She slipped the note back into locker 12J, failing to realize she unknowingly responded like she expected a reply back.


Thanks for not raiding my locker and going through my stuff stranger. I'd say 'don't hack into my locker' but you don't seem like the type, little rule follower. Seriously though, please don't, I can't afford a new lock. I recently bought a new bass and my parents would kick my ass if I buy anything else new (even though a lock is cheap as hell).

By the way, why did you sign with your initials? That's completely silly to me for some reason.

- K.J.

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