Thankfully, there was no one there. Jay sat down and started unpacking the food. Jungwon joined him.
"Do you remember when I told you I was going through a though phase?" begun Jungwon.
"Of course" replied Jay instantly.
"I don't really know how to tell you, but because of it I have to go away." he said, unsure of his words.
"What do you mean by away?" asked Jay as he started worrying.
"I can't stay in Korea anymore." whispered Jungwon.
"Won, I'm lost, why can't you stay in Korea? Where are you going? Why this departure all of the sudden? It doesn't make any sense" said Jay.
"I can't tell you the reason. It would put you in danger" continued Jungwon, looking at Jay.

Jay stayed in silence for a while.
"When do you have to leave?" he whispered.
"I have until tomorrow, at dawn" said Jungwon.

Jay didn't move for two minutes. He kept repeating Jungwon's words in his head.
He has to leave Korea tomorrow. For a secret reason that I can't know. I don't even know where he is going. He said it'd put me in danger if I knew. What kind of sercet is that serious?

"Are you mad at me?" asked Jungwon, breaking the silence.
"I am not mad. I am heartbroken Won... I know I can't force you to stay here with me if you don't want to. But I feel like at least I deserve to know why you're leaving me right?" he said, as tears started filling his eyes.

Jungwon was lost. He wanted Jay to know, but how could he? If Jay knew he was a vampire, the council would find out about it and they would...

"I promise I can keep any secret for you Won" whispered Jay.
"By asking to know this, you have to be conscious of the consequences. Once you know, you have to swear not to say a word, otherwise something bad will happen to you. I don't want to put in danger likewise Jay" explained Jungwon.

"Well, you warned me. I'm an adult and I accept that I'll have to assume the consequences if I don't keep your secret" said Jay, looking dead serious.
"Are you sure?" asked Jungwon.
Jay nodded.

Jungwon took a deep breath, looked around them, and once he was sure no one could hear them, he started explaining everything to Jay. From his life in the Shadows, to his wish to come to Earth and how he fell for a human. He then explained what had happened this morning.

"I'm sorry it's all my fault. I put you in danger by falling in love with you" whispered Jungwon.

Jay thought it was a joke at first, but the more he heard, the more he believed Jungwon. Why would he lie about this anyway?

"So you have to leave Korea, leave me, because I'm a threat to your people's secret?" said Jay.
"That's more or less it." replied Jungwon. His voice reflected all the pain he was going through.

"But what if I swear to the Council that I'll keep your secret. Could you stay then?" aksed Jay, full of hope.

"I am afraid not. They are very strict. I've already spent all morning thinking about it and I can't seem to find a solution. I have to go back to the Shadows, so that at least you'll be safe. But you have to keep your promise" reminded Jungwon.

"So these are the last moments we're going to share?" asked Jay.
Jungwon hugged him and kissed his forehead.
"I'm afraid so" he concluded with a shaking voice.
"What about Enhypen then?" asked Jay.
"The Council will probably have to fake my death" whispered Jungwon shivering.
Jay didn't answer. He just hugged Jungwon more tightly.

They stayed like that for a long time. Both of them fought their tears at first, but they gave in and let them roll.
Jay's mind reassembled a tornado at the moment.
There's nothing I can do.

After a while, Jay stopped their hug. He chased the last tears on his cheek.
"If you have to leave, I want to cry after you're gone. I don't want to waste my last moments with you like this." he said, determined.

Jungwon nodded.
They finally ate their food, which had been forgotten this whole time. It was cold, but still very tatsy.
It seemed like a mutual contract of silence had been made and they both decided to ignore Jungwon's departure for the rest of the day.

They went to the movies, ate popcorn, chilled in a shopping center and finally they decided to go to a karaoke. After this day of emotional roller-coaster, singing healed them both. At last, Jay treated them with a beautiful and luxurious hotel room.

The lights of the city were shining very bright. Jungwon was admiring them from the balcony. Jay joined him and hugged him from behind.
Jungwon wrapped his hands on Jay's arms.
"I have a little surprise for you" Jay whispered in the vampire's ear.
Jungwon turned his head and silently asked what it was.
Jay just took his hand and brought him back inside the room.
He guided Jungwon to the bathroom, where a huge whirlpool was waiting.
Jungwon smiled widely.
"Is it for the both of us?" he asked, but as he turned his head he saw that Jay was already removing his clothes.
Well that answers it.

Jay had never been naked in front of anyone before, but it didn't bother him with Jungwon.
They enjoyed the warm water and the bubbles together. They spoke and cuddled too.
"Can I ask you something?" said Jay suddenly.
"Go for it" said Jungwon.
"Do you have vampire canines like in the movies?" asked Jay.

Jungwon carefully focused on Jay's neck. It didn't take long for him to feel his teeth sharpening.
"Do you mean those?" he said smiling at Jay, showing off his two white fangs.
"Wow" said Jay, impressed.


The night had to end at some point. They had agreed that Jungwon would leave before dawn without waking Jay up. Jay thought it would be easier for him not to see Won go. Jungwon didn't want to, but he respected Jay's wishes.

He got off the bed in silence and dressed himslef.
Before leaving, he kissed Jay goodbye.
In the elevator, he pictured once again what had happened after the bath. He had replayed that scene a thousand times while Jay slept. The doors opened and he left the building.

The taxi driver was surprised by Jungwon's destination, but he didn't argue. He left Jungwon near a small forest.

Jungwon stepped into it and waited. He kept thinking about Jay and soon he started crying again.

He looked at the time. There was still fifteen minutes left until dawn, so he waited in silence.

Ten minutes.

Six minutes.

Won heard some noise behind him. He turned around to check, but he couldn't see anything because of the trees.
Suddenly Jay appeared. He was out of breath.
"What are y-" started Jungwon, panicked.
Jay stopped him with a finger on his mouth.
"I know a way we can be together" he said quickly, trying to catch his breath again.

Five minutes.

"What do you mean?" asked Jungwon.
"Just transform me into a vampire" said Jay.
"You don't know what you're talking about! I can't do that!" explained Jungwon.
"Of course I do. I love you Won. I don't care if you're a vampire. I only want for us to be together. It's the only way" he said.
"I can't do that to you. You have a family, your mom-" begun Jungwon.
"I know all that" cried Jay. "But I'm choosing you."
"Jay, we've been together for such a short time.. You're trying to make a decision that would last for eternity here" continued Jungwon.
"Maybe we haven't been dating for that long, but I've been in love with you since day one Jungwon. I feel that I'm meant to be with you" declared Jay.

Four minutes.

Won checked the time again.
"Look, the Line will open in four minutes, you have to get out of here, it's too dangerous" implored Jungwon.

That was it for Jay. He stepped closer to Jungwon, took his hand and placed it on his chest.
"Feel my heart Won. It's beating for you. I have never felt at ease with other people, but with you, my smile comes naturally. I never want this to end, I don't want us to end."

Three minutes.

Won looked deep into Jay's eyes. He was being very serious. Jay nodded to confirm and Jungwon leaned his head towards Jay's neck. Jay hugged Jungwon tightly.

Won kissed Jay's neck. His skin was very soft and warm. He opened his mouth, and whispered "Are you sure?" and he heard a yes.

So he bit Jay.

White Fangs - JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now