Mischief Managed

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Sunoo was so excited that he was the first to wake up the morning.
He got up of his bed in silence so as not to disturb the other members, still asleep, but he stopped in front of Jake's bed and woke him up.
Jake seemed confused at first. As he saw Sunoo's smile, he remembered their conversation from last night and got up as well. Both of them quickly headed for the training room.

"So, what did you want to tell me yesterday?" asked Jake, who was dying to know.
"Remember the plan?" replied Sunoo.
"Do you mean the only plan we made together? Sure I do" joked Jake.
"The day before yesterday was a turning point I think! I wanted to tell you about it before, but I didn't find a good opportunity." said Sunoo, excited to tell him.
"Please just tell me already" replied an impatient Jake.
"Well, you know how we noticed that Jay and Jungwon seemed very distant these last days?" continued Sunoo.
"Of course I did. In fact, all the members noticed.. Between Jungwon forcing himself to smile and Jay being moody, it was obvious there was something." remembered Jake. "I wonder what it was though. They were all cute and close. And all of the sudden they weren't."
"I know, I've been thinking about it and it seems to me that they drifted apart after the release of Given-Taken" said Sunoo. "Anyway, back to the day before yesterday. Jay had finished shooting, and soon Jungwon and I did too. As you and me had planned, I tried to create a situation in which they could feel comfortable being close again. So I suggested we waited with Jay. Then, I looked away and started humming Let Me In you know? My idea was to look like I was absorbed by watching the other members shoot their scene, so that it would give them privacy. But they didn't talk! "said Sunoo, being more and more excited.
" What did they do? "asked Jake.
"They sang to each other." replied Sunoo, who couldn't handle their cuteness anymore.
"What? Why did you wait so long to tell me? What happened next?" said Jake.
"Let me finish! Jay whispered his blood line and Jungwon answered that I'd be his boyfriend" said Sunoo, jumping.
At that moment both Jake and Sunoo lost their minds.
"Are you kidding?" said an excited Jake. "Do you think they meant it? Or was it just the song?"
"I don't know. It was the moment I nodded that you guys could come. By the way, did you have to wait a lot?" asked Sunoo.
"Just a few minutes" replied Jake. "Everyone was looking forward to them starting to speak again, so it was no big deal. Have you noticed how Jungwon kept trying to be next to Jay yesterday? And how he was upset when he couldn't play mario kart at the same time as him?" continued Jake.
"I know right? Niki and I were talking about it in bed, before you kindly asked us to shut up." replied Sunoo.

At that moment, Sunghoon came into the practice room.
"Hi guys!" he greeted. "Did you start the Jaywon meeting without me again?"
Jake and Sunoo looked a bit sorry, but they were so excited that they quickly apologized. Niki and Heeseung soon joined them and they started the story again, for everyone to know every detail.
"Did you notice that Jungwon took Jay's hand and put them in his pocket during the bus ride?" added Niki.
"Really?" said Jake, loosing his mind once again.

The door opened once again and this time Jungwon came in. The members all looked at him, in a very unusual way.
"Hey guys, what is it, why are you all here?" asked Jungwon, a bit confused.
"We were just chatting!" replied Jake quickly.
"Let's go eat breakfast together" suggested Sunghoon.
"Maybe you should go wake Jay up Jungwon?" suggested Niki.
"Yes, why not." nodded Jungwon, not noticing how the members just lost their minds with this answer.

Jungwon left the group to go wake Jay up, which was a very difficult task. He called Jay, patted him, and got nothing. After three minutes of unsuccessful tries, he looked behind him, and as the room was quiet, he decided to quickly kiss Jay.
Unsurprisingly, it worked, but Jay panicked as soon as he realized what had happened.
"Don't worry, we're alone" said Jungwon in a calm way.
"Hi" said Jay, still a bit asleep.

Jay and Jungwon entered the kitchen and all the members looked at them.
"Why are you guys being weird?" asked angry bird Jay.
"We were just saying that you snorned a lot last night Jay" said Jake laughing with the others.
"I did not" replied Jay. "Did I?" he asked looking at Jungwon, who honestly didn't know, as he spent most of the night in the kitchen. Jungwon just lifted his shoulders and laughed with everyone. He was in a good mood.

Today Sunghoon, Jay and Jungwon had planned on doing a vlive. They set up the camera and started commenting on one of their photo shootings. They kept explaining details from it and choosing their favorite pictures of the shooting.
Jay and Jungwon were very playful and enthusiastic about just chilling together during the live.
After reviewing the photos, they decorated one picture of themselves with stickers and pens.
After a few minutes, Heeseung joined them and helped them decorate.
At the end, they each presented their decorated picture in front of the camera.
Jungwon went first, followed by Jay. When Sunghoon got up to show his, Jungwon put his knee above Jay's and Jay laid his hand on Jungwon's knee. The vampire then took Jay's fingers and played a bit with it.
While Sunghoon was explaining his decoration concept, he noticed they were holding hands, and changed positions so as to hide them fron the camera.
The staff shouldn't see that, I hope I'm hiding them well like this.

The vlive finally came to an end, and Sunghoon was dying to tell Jake what had happened during the vlive. As soon as he met him in the house, they started chatting about Jaywon again.
Jake was very happy about that. He had noticed how close the two boys were during I-land and he really wanted to see them built a cute relationship. Before their debut, Jungwon seemed a bit off and Jake shared a cute talk with him on the balcony. It was funny to think back at that night. Jay came into the balcony and Jake could feel that he wanted to be the only one comforting Jungwon.
After that, they kept being very tactile and overall cute.
After the release of the mv, Jake noticed how their behavior shifted, and mostly how Jay kept trying to reach Jungwon.
He decided to stand up and talked about it with Sunoo. Soon all the members agreed to help the two boys with their plan.
They had to stay discreet so that the boys would naturally come back to each other.
And it finally worked, thought Jake, satisfied.

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