I distracted them while Peter had climbed his way onto the ceiling and sprung down on the group of guys. Webbing was shot all over the place, punches and kicks thrown, manish yells erupted from the pile of bodies. All I could do was stand and watch as this comedic scene unfolded. I never thought Peter would do something ridiculous like that.

"Is everything going on alright over there?" Thor questioned in curiosity through the earpiece.

I guess they did hear all of this commotion. "Yeah. Spidey just started a mosh pit of agents here," I answered quickly. Peter still attacked with all of his might, which to my surprise, was a lot. He was doing just fine on his own. His foot came into contact with one guy's chest, and his fist collided with a jaw or two.

"Mosh pit? What in God's name is that?" Thor and Steve asked simultaneously. Some struggling was audible from the other side of the earpiece and something clanged against a wall.

I grabbed a guy off of the floor and tossed him across the room. "You old geezers don't know anything," I commented as I watched Peter gouge one man's knife into his own leg. I shoved the scientists into a closet and locked them in. There wasn't a need for them to escape and snitch on us. Peter used his webs to stick a guy to the wall and another to the ceiling after kicking him upwards.

Peter was having a laughing fit as he took down the last guy and knocked him out. "We should have training sessions like this all the time!" He was panting because he was out of breath, but he had the will to keep going.

I shook my head at his silliness and walked up the stairs. He said he hadn't been on a mission in a while, so seeing him light up as he fought those guys tooth and nail really made my day. I bet there was even a gleam in his eye right now. "This isn't a training session. This is a mission. We're here to destroy the supplies," I pointed out.

Steve grunted in the background and I heard some guy cry out in pain. A metallic sound bouncing off a wall became more audible by the second. The other end of the earpiece was Black Widow knocking out other agents that had fled the building through the windows. Hawkeye shot some arrows off, exploding some areas of the building nearby. The couple laughed at an inside joke one of them had made and enjoyed the moment.

I turned to my right and created a portal to the next room, for the door was locked. I dragged Peter through the blue portal before it closed and saw the entrance to the lab. He glanced around for a second and set his hands behind his head in a lazy fashion. He said, referring to Cap and Thor, "Coming?"

Thor's hammer crashed through the door on the other side of the room, knocking the door to the floor with a loud thud. He had a streak of blood on his face that dripped down to his chin as his blue eyes tiredly gazed at us. His chest heaved in his metallic armor when he stated, "We're here."

Steve strolled into the room casually. His blonde hair was messed up slightly and his outfit had blood stains on it. "Is this it?" Rogers pointed to the door in front of us.

I nodded. The only lab was on the second floor. The rest of the building was used for training agents and supplied them office space to work. I almost kicked the door in until more agents flooded the stairs on their way down to us. I smiled as I punched one guy straight in the nose. He fell backwards into another guy, nearly creating a domino effect.

Thor swung Mjolnir around in a circle faster and faster before letting it go. It hit some of the men and pushed them down. Some were completely knocked out in the process. He chuckled at the sight of his own work.

I used one agent as a shield when another shot off a taser gun. The man was electrocuted and fell to the floor in a twitchy motion. I kicked one in the chest and iced another's head. The man screamed until nothing came out of his mouth. One last breath of cold air came out before he fell to the floor in agony.

Captain America threw his shield at one agent's head, killing him in the process. The shield bounced off the wall and back to him, letting him catch it in time. A man attacked him in an attempt to stab him.

Barton hummed from his stand point. His voice became soft and soothing as he stated, "Maybe we should set up Steve with Lilly."

I spun around and saw Cap throw a guy into me unexpectedly. The guy used his fist to wound my rib cage. I winced and pinned him down in one quick move. I set my hand onto his chest and emanated heat from my hand to create a hole in his chest. The man's eyes widened, but quickly faded under the heat. I stood up, wiping the skin stuck to my hand off, and shot a glare at Steve. "Really?" Was that a test? Or was he just being completely rude?

"You had it handled," he responded in a flat tone. Steve caught his breath in a short amount of time and patted Thor on the shoulder as a sign of thanks for backing him up. The raid was successful. He moved on into the main lab. He pushed the doors open with force, but dropped his shield soon after.

The lab was empty.

Nothing but bare tables and sickly white walls stared right back at us as we stood in the doorway. The cold tile floor seemed freshly polished and the some of the lights were flickering. We stepped into the room to take in the little clues we could, but nothing was there. That place was spotless.

"There's nothing in here," Rogers stated in disbelief. This was the only lead to get ahead of the game. We could have been one step farther than Hydra. Now that dream was ruined. Soiled by the advanced thinking of the scientists. Natasha and Barton responded in silence. All of that work, and for what? Nothing.

I set my hands on my hips and leaned against one of the tables. How could Jarvis be so wrong? Unless they moved the serum right after checking it in with this building. Maybe there was something else to this story. Red Skull couldn't have known we were coming, right? That seemed absurd. My chest constricted. It was only going to get worse from here, wasn't it?

"So now what? Do we go home?" Peter asked impatiently. He paced the room several times in a nervous habit.

Thor called out, "Wait." He traced his fingertips along the wall where some ancient scrawls were located. His blond hair swished around when he turned back and forth repeatedly, trying to find out if any of us knew what the words said. His hand traced down to the bottom center of the design. One letter was scribbled off, wrecking the beautiful formation that could have been there the whole time. "They must have taken off when we left....And that could only mean...." Thor's bright blue eyes widened immediately. 

A Call to Action (Avengers Fan Fiction #1)  | REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now