chapter 8 | truth and dare

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Izuku's pov : 


All my classmates sat in the relaxing area as I was waiting for Kacchan to come downstairs. He did what I said last time we hang out outside, it was the first time I did something sexual with a boy. Since then we did a lot of more things, including sex. We get along very well,he comes to my room every night to cuddle with me and sometimes we have sex too. Next monday we will have 5 months ,I'm so exited.


It's 7 pm and Mina, being the party girl, said we should play a game. Everyone is bored so we agreed to playing truth or dare. We are so bored that even Kacchan is playing. We all sit on the couches from the living room.

''Ok then'' Mina said, ''Let's start with Denki'' she continued.

'' Oh no ''Denki joked and smiled.'' I choose truth''

''hmm'' Mina thought.'' What is something you are glad your family doesn't know about you ?'' an evil smile appeared on Mina's face.

''I'm glad that they don't know I'm into BDSM '' He said then chuckled while Shinso smiled and looked at him with pleasure in his eyes.

''And you two could continue it in your room '' A sarcastic smile appeared on Mina's face.

'' Later'' Denki responded while laughing.

'' Uraraka, your turn, truth or dare ? '' Mina asked.

'' hmm.. truth''

''What is a question you wouldn't want me to ask you ? ''

Uraraka waited a few seconds thinking, a slight blush appered on her face. She leaned in and whispered.

'' Why do I shower multiple times a day '' she said then she winked .All the eyes were on her ,shocked. What does she mea- oh. I didn't thought she would masturbate. Well I guess there are things I don't know about her.


8 pm

All my classmates played, Kacchan and Kirishima are the only ones who weren't asked yet. Most of them chose truth but some of them chose dare like Sero who had to kiss the most attractive person in the room : he kissed Mina. She was a blushing mess after the kiss .Or Tsuyu who had to lick Uraraka's face . Mineta was asked who was the hottest girl in class ,he obviously said Momo.

 It's Kirishima's turn .

''  Let's see '' Mina started and thought for a few seconds '' Tell your crush what you've always wanted to tell '' 

Kirishima didn't say anything for a minute  ,he seems thinking about it very deeply. Tears are appearing in his eyes as they are searching for someone in this room.

His eyes stop on Kacchan. What does he want ?

'' I've always wanted to tell you this '' He starts and looks in Kacchans eyes.

What does he thinks he's doing ?

'' I'm starting with telling you my feelings ,I love you . I loved you in the past months and I'm sure I will love you in the next ones. When you and Midoriya got together my heart shattered. I wanted to kill myself that day but I'm still here hoping one day you'll be mine. I love your red eyes ,I love how they shine when you talk about something you like ,I love how you dress ,I love how ambitious and confident you are and I sure love your hero attitude. My life changed dramatically when I met you ,I became more ambitious and I started to follow you. You are the most important thing in my life and I'm so glad that I met you. It's you the one I want .'' some seconds passed and he only looked in Kacchan's eyes . They stared at each other for a whole minute then Kirishima talked again.

'' Now that I look in your eyes I wanna kiss you so bad '' He said.

I blink and I see Kachhan..He's on top of Kirishima while they kiss..

Everyone is so surprised, some one them forgot to close their mouths , including me.

What's happening ?

I zone out with my eyes wide open .

Why did he do this ? Why did he kiss Kirishima ? Why is Kirishima in love with Bakugou ? And why did he tell Bakugou knowing he has a boyfriend ? 

I get up and I run in my room while tears are dropping to the floor. I get into my room and I close the door as I get on my knees and punch the door.

I try to hold the tears but I can't.

I can't , I can't, I can't.

How dare he do this..

Bakugou's pov :



I take my hands from Kirishima's hair and I put them on the floor. I get up and I run as I follow the little points on the floor.

They must be Deku's tears.

I'm in front of his door and I hear something loud, I think he is punching the door. I get closer to the door and I knock 3 times. Loud .

'' Go fuck  yourself '' He says and he punches the door even louder .

'' Deku let me in '' I say with a pleasing tone in my voice. Yet he still responds me like a bitch.


'' JUST LET ME IN DEKU '' I yell back.

I hear something , I think he gets up. The door makes the click  sound and I open it.

Deku's face is full of tears and he stays in the middle of the room , he is definitely pissed off.

'' So what ? Are you gonna say something ? '' He asks me.

-928 words

-I hope you liked this chapter :)

-kri <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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