chapter 5 | moonlight and stars

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Heyy sorry for a really long break but i had so much fun with my friends and I didn't have anytime to write ,I'm sorry <3

3rd person pov : 

Izuku opened his door slowly so no one would hear him and he went to Katsuki's room on his tip toes.As he opened the door he saw a tall blonde boy with flowers in his hands.He hold the flowers so tight because he was nervous.It was the first time Izuku saw him with his hair arranged and he was wearing some red comfy clothes matching the red roses in his hands.Izuku entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Hey " Katsuki said with a soft smile.

"Hi " Izuku responded blushing.

Katsuki  gived Izuku the red flowers. "Thank you !" Izuku said while he was taking off his shoes.

"Come with me "Katsuki  said making his way to the skywindow while Izuku  followed him.

"Are we going on the roof ?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah ,there are falling stars in this night "

"Really ? I didn't know "

Izuku and Katsuki went on the roof where a blanket and some candles were placed.

"Wow ! You prepared all this ?" Izuku asked happily.

"Yes ,you like it ?" Katsuki replied while they were laying down on the blanket .

"Yes ,I love it " Izuku said really exited .

Katsuki smiled in reponse while he light up the candles.

They sat down face to face relaxing on their elbows as they were supposed to stare at the stars but..Katsuki  wasn't staring at the stars ,he was staring at Izuku.

Izuku's pov :

I felt eyes on me but I didn't turn around ,I kept counting the stars.


"Are you counting them ?"A sweet voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes " I answered while I turned to face him.He was staring at me while his eyes were moving to every inch of my face.

"What are you doing ?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"I'm counting your freckles" He replied as he touched my nose .

"Boop " He said with a small chuckle .

3rd's pov : 

They talked about a lot of things that night.When it was around 3 AM Izuku  fell asleep with his head in Katsuki's chest so he had to go in his room with Izuku in his arms .Izuku kept whimpering so Katsuki  thought it would be better if Izuku slept in his room this night because he would make noise on the halls and someone would wake up.So Izuku slept in Katsuki's  room this night.Katsuki  fell asleep while he cuddled Izuku.

Hello this is Kri :) I hope you liked this chapter and sorry for any grammar mistakes.Please vote my chapters if you like them :).

-474 words

love you,

-kri <3

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