The girls helped cleaned the gym to the best of their ability's, shagging balls that were lost to the stairs while others swept, it was either that or dancing. "GO GO GO COME ON LADIES LETS MOVE" Coach Yumi shouted grabbing a broom of her own and joining the race. Wide smiles and giggles were common among the girls they seem to be having fun. "Hey I want in" Hinata yelled running over to the collapsed girls, They had gotten through half of the gym so it was reasonable that they barely had the strength to stand. Y/n was the only one standing leaning her head on the top of the broom. "Wow I didn't know that cleaning half of they gym could tire you lassis out" She teased with a small smirk. "Oh shush, were just taking a quick rest, but once we get up were gonna beat you" Karla retorted. Despite your small stature you could move pretty fast with ease. Which shouldn't have been possible but somehow for you it just worked. Y/n pulled her braids out of it's tight ponytail wrapping them up into a less neater and more comfortable bun that sat at the lower half of her cranium. She turned to Hinata and waited for him to come to a stop in front of the group. 

"You can use Karla's broom, she's too tired to do anything so I'm sure she wouldn't mind". Karla handed her broom over with little to no fuse, she was ready to fall into a deep sleep that lasted a life time. The two teens raced up and down the gym floors. Each party refusing to lose, they even had the gym chanting their names. The boys cheered on Hinata while the girls cheered on Y/n. The race ended in a tie, although you couldn't complain Hinata had given you a run for your money so you gave credit were credit was due. It amazed you how he could still have the energy to run around. What kind of life changing miracle drugs was he on that gave him so much energy? "RRRROOOOOLLLLLIIINNNNGGGGG TTTHHHHUUUUUNNNDDDDEEEERRRRRR". The sudden shout startled you, guess that means Hinata isn't the only one on the team with a bottomless pit of energy. You turned to NIshinoya who was having the time of his life, he was teaching Hinata the move called "RRRRROOOOOLLLLLIIIINNNGGGGG TTTHHHHUUUUUNNNNDDDEEEEERRRRR". Yeah that was the name of the strange moves that one took the cake. "Dude that's just a rolling receive" Tanaka howled barely able to stand.

You cracked a small smile covering it with your hand. You felt bad for laughing at the outlandishly loud boy, but at the same time you couldn't help it. How did the little cogs in his brain come up with that idea, although you would be lieing if you said you didn't want to try the move out yourself. It looked like fun. Another yawn escaped your lips before you could cover it. It was time to head home your favorite part of the day. Hinata watched you pull your sweat pants over your spandex and tighting the draw strings. He lingered in the gym waiting for you, he wanted to walk home with you. He found you interesting the fact that you two just happened to live close by also helped his case. Y/n moved slower than the rest of the girls. She was the last one in the gym, as a matter of fact. Hinata was tempted to rush you but he didn't want to be rude so he waited patiently. Y/n walked out of the gym nose in her phone reading over missed messages from her father.

"I'm gonna be running a little late getting home today"

"Don't worry about waiting up, eat without me tonight don't want you to starve yourself until I get home"

Y/n pushed her phone into her pocket readjusting her gym bag on her soar shoulders. "Uhm hey..... I was wondering if we could walk home together" Hinata blurted with a hint of nervousness in his voice. Y/n glanced back slightly to the nervous figure behind her pausing momentarily giving a short answer. "Sure, I don't mind". It's not like she could say no he would just end up following her anyways which would just make the walk home more awkward than it already was, he did live on the same street as you after all. "I thought you were really cool toady at practice." Hinata attempted small talk. "Thanks, you weren't so bad yourself." An awkward silence speed it's way into the conversation . You two never talked outside of school so what were you meant to talk about. You barely remember Hinata's name most days. "Soooo what happened to your gym?" "It got flooded, we think a pipe burst in the locker room." Hinata nodded thinking of his next response. "That must suck" You nodded with a sigh. "So what position do you play on your team?" You asked the one question that seemed to get Shoyo hyped.

Busted pipe lines and late nights. Hinata x BLACK READERWhere stories live. Discover now