Start from the beginning

Still wondering about his girlfriend's whereabouts and why she hadn't arrived at school yet, he walked over to the three with a curious look.

"Hey, where's Mi-na?" he asked.

The three girls immediately stopped what they were chit chatting about and turned to Seojun with confused looks, "Um, what?" Jugyeong asked.

"My girlfriend? Shin Mi-na?" he asked once again.

"You know, tall, short hair, big eyes. Kind of yells all the time." Sunyeong added.

"We don't know, why are you asking?" Sua asked as the three began walking towards the entrance of the school in hopes of getting away from the Han boy.

"Maybe 'cause I haven't seen her since you guys left for Jeju Island, which was basically the beginning of summer?" he said following after the three.

The three girls gave each other a look before fastening their pace. Seojun, who was still oblivious about the three girls' behaviors, followed them around like a lost puppy in hopes of finding his girlfriend. However Kang Soojin, the school's it girl, was having none of that and suddenly stopped causing the group to also stop and that's when she turned to Seojun with an annoyed look.

"God, this is so pathetic to watch. Look at your girlfriend-" she said, getting ready to reveal whatever it was that three girls knew yet Seojun had no idea about, when Sua quickly put her hand over the said girl's mouth with widened eyes, preventing her from talking any further.

"Is right over there!" she exclaimed, pointing in the opposite direction of where they stood.

She then turned to Jugyeong with a panicked look, "Jugyeong, I just remembered, don't we have a thing the three of us need to do?"

Jugyeong nodded, just as panicked as her friend was, "Right, the thing. God, how can I forget!"

"We gotta go, see you boys later!" and with that the two girls hurried away from the three boys whilst dragging their other friend with them.

Although Seojun found their behavior weird he didn't care much about it and shrugged his shoulders before turning his head to the direction Sua had pointed towards and there Shin Mi-na stood, looking beautiful as ever. She was making her way towards the group of boys and a smile made its way towards Seojuns face.

He walked towards her as well and stopped when he was right before her, "Hey." he said with a smile and leaned in for a kiss when she jerked her head away.

"Oh god, I totally have coffee breath, I knew I shouldn't have drank that espresso this morning." she said as she looked at a random group of students that were passing by, "Any of you have gum?"

Immediately the students obliged and handed her a pack of gum to which she then put in her mouth. Slightly embarrassed over what had just happened, Seojun exhaled a sharp breath in hopes of ignoring what had happened and let out a cough to indicate his presence to which his girlfriend seemed to have forgotten about.

That seemed to have worked because not a moment later, Mi-na turned her head back to Seojun, however this time with a fake smile on.

"Listen Seojun, I've been thinking a lot this summer and I don't think this is working out anymore." she said suddenly and Seojun stared at her in confusion. What was she going on about?

"What? What are you talking about."

Mi-na sighed, "Us. I mean, it's just not the same anymore. There's no spark."

"I don't understand."

Mi-na who was clearly starting to grow impatient rolled her eyes as she gave Seojun a hard look, "Then let me make you understand, we're over." with that she turned around and began walking away from Seojun.

Seojun who felt all eyes on him cleared his throat and went after Mi-na, wanting an explanation for her sudden decision, "Hold on," he said as he grabbed her forearm, stopping her from walking any further, "You can't just dump me without an explanation."

Mi-na glanced at the people around her before looking back at Seojun with a dumb look, "Says who?"


Mi-na rolled her eyes once again, "Ugh look, you're a great guy and all, but I've found someone better." she confessed and Seojun furrowed his brows.

She found someone better? How could she find someone better than him in such a short amount of time? He was Han Seojun after all.

"Someone better?" he said repeating her words.

Mi-na grinned as she nodded, "Yeah, his name's Baek Haneul." and that's when she began telling Seojun everything, Everything that had happened during her time in Jeju Island with her girlfriends.

She explained that during one of her days at their stay there, the four girls had been invited to a party on a cruise ship and that's where she met Baek Haneul, a well known actor that had starred in multiple commercials.

He had saved her from almost falling and drowning into the ocean causing an immediate friendship to be formed.

At first they hung around one another and got closer claiming that it was strictly a friendship and nothing more as both had significant others.

However, after having a lot of drinks one night, Haneul came to Mi-nas room to seek comfort after he had just been dumped by his girlfriend over text. At first Mi-na comforted and gave him advice as he ranted about his problems.

Then, the two began harmlessly flirting with one another. But that's when things began spiraling out of control. One thing led to another without them realizing it, and suddenly a drunken one night stand occurred.

The two tried to pretend like nothing had happened the next few days and continued their friendship like it was before, but over the course more one night stands occurred and atlas the two decided that they were more than just friends and that's how Mi-na found herself completely losing feelings for Seojun who was still finding it hard to comprehend what he was being told.

"So let me get this straight. You're breaking up with me for some lousy cheeto commercial guy." Seojun asked with a frown.

Mi-na laughed, "Oh honey, I'm not breaking up with you, I'm dumping you." she answered, "And besides, we're gonna go off to college soon, so we would've broken up by then anyways. It's easier this way"

However, when Mi-na saw that Seojun was still silent a playful smirk made its way on her face, "Hold on, you didn't actually think I'd still be dating you when I'd leave for college, did you?" she asked and once again she was met with silence.

"Awe, you're so sweet." she said with that same fake smile, "Don't worry, we can still go to prom together since we'll both be prom King and queen it would be more appropriate." she assured him.

"Anyways, I'm glad we had this talk."

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate that this chapter has not been edited yet )

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