Chapter 6: The First Game

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But he didn't object. He couldn't object. As long as Solan lived, and no matter how Calysa felt about him, she would always be in danger. Her vanishing feelings for him was the only silver lining in this nightmare if the fortress was truthful about being able to trade a life for a life. He could spare his love of any further heartache, if it came to that.

"Trouble in paradise, Luka?" Solan's words sliced through Luka's tube and thoughts, his smile clear as day through their red chambers.

Luka ignored him, as him and the others looked up at a hologram screen which flashed deep within the blackness of the gigantic stadium, the face of their flags and animals along with the face of man sprawled along the glow in a vertical line, with space next to each.

A voice of the fortress boomed and followed shortly after the appearance of the screen, only one contestant smiling at the words.

"Welcome. You have been selected as contestants in the Games for Gaiathal. We, the Programmers, have constructed these Games to verify and establish your worth. Only the two that rank highest shall win."

"What... what does that mean?" Tristan said, his eyes wide, each contestant now hearing him in their own chamber and his fellow Hosts wondering the same.

"It means four of you will die. And myself, along with another lucky one of you, will leave this place, while I finally get access to the Chamber of Truth beyond," Solan said, his eyes flickering with excitement.

"The Steward is correct; four of you shall perish, however, whether the Steward lives is yet to be determined," The fortress replied. "In fact, the Steward's veil of immortality from his Black Apple is lifted while in these walls."

Luka gulped and his skin singed. The Hosts looked at each other worryingly, a fear Luka was not accustomed to seeing in his friends. The best of friends, now realizing they were competing with one another for life. Realizing that if the fortress was truthful, that three of them would be dead with certainty at a minimum. Realizing they were now competing for their lives.

Competing for only two spots to escape.

But there was a glimmer of hope. Solan, within this mystical fortress, was finally vulnerable. Perhaps the only time he would be vulnerable.

"Communication between contestants will be terminated in thirty seconds, and the First Game will be revealed. We, the Programmers, wish you all good fortune."

A giant red clock with the number thirty flashed upon the giant screen, now at twenty-nine, twenty-eight.

Luka frantically slammed on his tube which was opposite of Calysa's, who remained slumped in hers.

"Calysa you don't have to reply to me, but listen to me. You're getting out of here alive, do you hear me? I said I'd die for you, and I mean it. I'm going to make sure you're ranked in the top two."

While Calysa remained with her back to Luka, Luka frantically turned towards Tristan's red chamber as the clock clicked to twenty. "Tristan, listen. I know you guys think I'm some hero, but I'm not. Play the games to win, do you understand me? Do not risk your life for mine. Whoever the Programmers deem to move on... whether it's me or you or Laplan or Adrian... anyone but Solan... they'll be worthy of defeating Solan. Promise me."

As he scrambled to get his last words out to Adrian and Laplan as well, the same words he said to Tristan, they nodded towards each other. Sheepishly, scared, confused, stunned. They had to not only think of Luka, but of their partners back on the old continent. Was Luka right? Was playing the Game the best way to put forth the best of them, to ultimately save their people and their loves from Solan if Solan moved on? Was there a chance they were that person? Would trying to game the Programmers to get Luka, the boy they believed in all along, a mistake?

The Games for Gaiathal (Part 3 of 'A Tale of People and Apples Trilogy')Where stories live. Discover now