"Close your eyes... you'll be here soon..." I liked that. "一二三四五分 (ichi ni san shi go fun)."

Humming a little more, I shut my eye. "時々本当に寝たい (tokidoki, hontou ni netai), でもこのワードできない (demo, kono waado dekinai)."

Choruses are always one of the hardest or easiest parts of a song to write, no inbetween. But, a word rattled through my mind that made the thought process a lot easier.
















My phone chimed. Opening the notification, I sighed.

~Messages With: BIG DADDY KEL~

Heyyyy sunny!! Just checking in to make sure you're all good :) Aubs was saying something about you having some weird nightmares recently

when did you change your contact name on my phone to big daddy kel

I did it while I put my number in your phone haha!!


Wife payed me 50 dollars

of course

yeah, i'm doing alright. but, i have scratched myself up a bit from nightmares

Oh no!!!!! :((((( Thats not good!

Hope you're doing better soon!


Basil aubrey and i are going to see you in concert tonight!!

wait really!

Ofc! Gotta support friends ahaha

you're saying we're friends again?

even after everything?

Duh!! Silly :)

that's good to hear :)

well, i've gotta go finish off this song i'm writing.

i'll see you there

Byeeeeee!! :D


I put down my phone and continued to tap at the off-key piano, finally figuring out my most important hook.

"おやすみ, おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi), close your eyes and you'll leave this dream...
おやすみ, おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi), I know that it's hard to do..."

The actual concert came faster than I had expected. I pulled on a long sleeved shirt to cover my scraped arm, messily scribbling some eyeliner beneath my eye and rubbing it in to smudge it. It's how the fans wanted to view me. It was how the industry wanted to view me. It was how I was made to view me. I sighed a little.

On stage, it's always too loud. There are people screaming at me from the crowd, there were big television screens behind us, the speakers were turned up to the highest possible volume, and it was equivalent to a sauna. Some people have been severely injured from the crowds. It's been chaos. I prefer as much order as I can get.

"Mr White, this is your ten minute call."


Holding my violin, I noticed how chipped it was. It had been practically everywhere with me ever since I was forced into the band. It made me a star. I didn't want to be a star. I wanted to be normal. Would it have been impossible for things to be different? No.

But, that's life.

I took a few minutes to practice in the mirror

"Mr White, this is your five minute call."

I wandered out of my room with the violin, ready to go to the back of the stage where the others were waiting. Sashi had their hands on their hips angrily. "Took you long enough, we're just about to be brought onstage."


"We thought you had backed out."

"I'm just going to sing less," I replied in a hushed whisper. "Poppy, can you sing my part of Alone In Dreams tonight? And Kye can take Forget About Your Skies. I'll still sing Private Sunset."

"What about your fingers?" Silver asked, sitting behind her drum kit. "Won't they hurt from all of the pressure of playing?"

"I'll be fine. I took some Panadol a few minutes ago."

"Then, are you ready?" Charlie asked, extending a hand for me to shake. Taking his hand and shaking it with a small smile, I nodded.

I lied.

We started to play, the platform we were on rising up as we all began to play. And, as the lights hit my eyes, the crowd erupted with yells. Charlie started to sing, and I joined him with the harmonies we had agreed to. Our opening song and crowd favourite, Private Sunset.

Halfway through the concert, fatigue started to sink in. My hands were going sore and numb from the cuts, my pulse was starting to speed up, and I could feel my body start to shake. It felt like I was going to collapse.

And then, I saw it.

There was something in the crowd. The stranger was there, clad in her black cloak and her bow in her hand. Her hood covered the majority of her face, but this time, an eye poked out. Glazed over and soulless. Frozen and unblinking.

I felt as if I was going crazy.

Was she real?

I didn't know.

Her eyes beckoned me to follow as she ran away, disappearing through the wall.

If I left, I could have found out what she wanted.

If I was up there for another minute on stage, I'd definitely pass out.


Choose wisely... this may impact what you may learn and the fates of some characters you know.

I'm going to stay onstage. The others need me, and I won't let them down. (next chapter)

I'm going to follow her. I don't know what she wants, but I'll find out. (skip the next chapter, and read the one after)

i wrote all of these chapters
all six
that's all for now! catch ya on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- trashbag!

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