Chapter 18

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One and a Half Years Ago, Gemstone City

"Kid, are you sure about this?" Old man Jad asked softly, his eyes darting throughout the crowded restaurant while munching on his meal. It was lunchtime in Gemstone city and the place was packed, with overworked waiters rushing about to take orders. The war had been profitable for the city as many merchants, caught unawares of the devastation at White Harbour, were forced to dock at the smaller Ocean City, not far from Gemstone City. Enticed by the relative closeness between both cities, traders often flocked to Gemstone City to do a little sightseeing and more.

Grey remained silent, hoping his gamble wouldn't get them killed. He was never one to take unnecessary risks but right now circumstances demanded otherwise. A few months ago, he and his men had turned the tides on a group of bandits near the borders to the Desolate Lands. Grey captured them, only to let them go, giving one of the bandits a letter to hand to the bandit king. It was a request to meet at Gemstone City on this date, and at this place.

One of the waitresses suddenly approached their table, requesting for them to follow her. They were led to a private room of the restaurant, hidden further behind. Within the room was nothing but a round table with chairs. A black clad man sat awaiting them, several men in white standing behind him, one of which wore a red sash. The king's long black hair was tied into a neat ponytail, almost blending into the darkness of his luxurious robes.

Grey inclined his head. "Your Majesty."

The bandit king leaned forward in his chair, resting his chin on the palm of his right hand. "Prince Greyson, I was going to say that it's a pleasure to finally meet you, except I realise we've already met before."

Grey sat across from the bandit king at the table, Jad standing behind him. "Your Majesty has an excellent memory."

"How could I forget you when you left quite the impression at our last meet?"

Grey lowered his head, his tone apologetic, "I hope you'll forgive the little inconvenience I must have brought you, perhaps I can make it up to you in the future." 'I can't say I was thrilled to be your captive though', Grey contemptuously thought to himself.

The bandit king waved his hand dismissively. "I doubt it. I guess I do owe you an apology for enslaving you, but whatever. Anyway, what's done is done, leave it at that. You have a proposition. I'm here out of curiosity. Let's begin."

"First, let me say this." Grey placed his arms on the table, hands in a steeple position. "We have something in common."

The other man merely smirked. "Oh really? Tell me, what would that be and why should I care?"

"We are both rightful heirs to the throne of our kingdoms, and yet we hide in the shadows, biding our time to strike against those who rose against us." Grey watched as the other man's smile evaporated before continuing, "You know what it's like to have what is rightfully yours taken from you, to be deposed, to lose everything and everyone you hold dear."

Not breaking eye contact with the black clad man, Grey said honestly, "You and I, we are the only ones who know what it's like. No one else can truly empathise with our loss...which is why I think we would make good allies."

The bandit king sat in silence with a contemplative look. Finally, he replied, "Although I sympathise with you, I will be brutally honest, I don't see how your relationship could bring benefits to me. Perhaps to you my indifference to your loss is cruel but I haven't survived out in the desert for so long by making friends, that's for sure."

Grey smiled. "On the contrary, I think my presence will be very beneficial to you. Unless, of course, you enjoy your newfound status as a slave trader?"

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