Chapter 4

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A short boy roughly the age of 14 bounced around happily with big, fluffy bees the size of a grown man's fist following behind him. He had wavy brown hair framing the sides of his face and a flower sitting on his ear. His honey-brown eyes gleamed in the light of the sun as he ran around excitedly with the bees playing with him. In his bag was a stash bag for bottles in which he would fill with honey that the bees would give him.

Not too far from the bee keeper, a very tall boy sat under a tree writing on a book. Half of his body was a midnight black, and the other half was pure white. He was about the same age as the bee keeper, and he was an adventurer, or "The Hunter" as his sister might call him. She called him The Hunter because of his impeccable speed in tracking and hunting.

The bee keeper stopped bouncing when the bees started picking up flowers with their tiny legs and placing them on the bee keeper's hair. "Aww, thank you guys!" The boy spoke affectionately.

"They're very nice to you, aren't they?" The young adventurer asked, looking up from his book.

The bee keeper smiled at the other. "They are friendly as long as you don't steal from them," he said. "They'll give you the honey if you ask politely. Just forcefully taking it from them harms them more than it helps you." He held out a hand towards a random bee and that bee rubbed it's face onto the bee keeper's hand.

The boy holding the book was silent for a moment. "What do you think of me being a librarian?" He asked.

The bee keeper snorted. "You'd forget where you put anything," the brunet replied before giggling. "You're great with writing, but your memory will be hard to work around in that occupation." The other boy was quiet for a moment.

"I'm writing this story I'm imagining, but somehow I'm not forgetting it," the adventurer commented, confusion marring his face.

"Maybe it's a story you've heard before?" The bee boy asked, tilting his head in curiosity. "And you just forgot this was told to you."

The taller shook his head. "I don't hear about it from anywhere else," he replied. "It's like.....I'm envisioning it, and there are words being whispered in my ear, but there's no one there talking beside me. It's just me."

The bee keeper smiled. "When you finish that book, let me be the first to read it," he said. "I want to be Ranboo's first reader."

The tall boy looked at his friend with bewilderment, then smiled back. "Okay, Tubbo," he said.


A green-clad orphan boy walked through the forest. He seemed barely 17, his leather boots muddy and soaked from walking in a swamp for days on end looking for a cave, or some opening that leads to the underground. He was looking for something important.

He found a fallen over tree corpse, and it looked hollow. The teen inspected this tree, then looked around. He walked a little further until he found another. This one was rooted into the ground and the trunk was cut open, revealing the giant hole that was the tree. The man jumped in and let himself slide down until he hit another ground. It was quite a long trip, it took him 3 minutes until he actually hit the ground. He got up and dusted himself off before walking around what seemed to be a dark chamber. He lit a torch to light his way, and he found a temple with a giant fire pit. He lit it with his torch, and as the pit burned, he whispered a mantra.

"Fireborn god, I call on your name for a favor," he whispered. "Let the strength of your power turn water into vapor. I call you, my brother, to help a friend. Someone dear you fought for until the end." The flames began to stir and roar. "Rise and take the throne of fire. I shall fulfill your sole desires. In exchange for your presence, lend me your help. As you seek an anchor, I will offer myself."

The flames rose until it touched the ceiling, and it became so hot that the cloaked man had to step back. The flames gleamed bright until all the flames disappeared, and a statue of ash replaced the coal in the firepit. Then the surface of the statue cracked to reveal a red glow, and the pieces of ash fell off from the face to reveal the face of a man. The newcomer opened his eyes to reveal gleaming red eyes, but then the gleam faded to a simple brown.

The green-clad man smiled under his mask. "Welcome back, old friend," he said.

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