Chapter 1

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Despite being royalty, Phil never dressed like one, so whenever he was in a village, people only ever got the impression of a father, never King. He liked it when people didn't address him as a king, so whenever he got the chance, he would ditch his kingly duties and go outside the kingdom to travel.

While traveling, Philza came upon a random town with a big market. He was dressed as inconspicuous as possible, so nobody recognized him, especially when he wore the bucket hat. He hated wearing a crown, but he loved the bucket hat. He wandered the market to interact with people, so he looked around to see if anyone looked friendly enough to interact with. Walking down a path lined with shops at the side set up in front of houses, he noticed a young-looking boy staring at a shop selling golden apples. His eyes wide with curiosity.

Phil stared at the boy for a moment. This child was tall and skinny for a boy his height. He wore a white cloak over his shoulders, and under his hood, a tuft of curly, blonde hair peeked out. The boy turned his head as if noticing his gaze, and Philza's cobalt-blue was met with a pair of admiral blue. Phil walked towards the boy.

"You gonna buy one?" Phil asked.

The boy blinked, as if confused, then he looked beside him and remembered the golden apples. He shook his head before looking back at Phil. "I'm okay," he said before turning and walking away.

Phil turned to the shop keeper and bought a few golden apples before following the child out of the village. The child stopped and turned back to him when he seemed to notice Phil following.

"Why are you following me?" The boy asked.

"I was gonna offer you one," Phil held out a golden apple.

The boy stared at him for a moment. "Thank you, but I don't need to eat," the boy replied.

"I doubt that," Phil commented. "You look way too skinny for a growing boy your height. You should be eating more."

The boy tilted his head. "Why do you care?" He asked. "Normal people don't."

Philza chuckled. "I don't consider myself as normal, either," he said. "Just take the gapple."

The boy stared at him silently before slowly approaching Phil and taking the golden apple. "Thank you," he said before walking back to be at a more comfortable distance from the man. "What would you like in return?"

Phil gained a look of confusion. "I don't need anything," he said. "I offered you the gapple. Also, why are you walking around alone? Where are your parents?" The boy took a bite from the golden apple and pointed up with his hand. Philza's eyes softened. "So you're an orphan?"

"My mom is up there," the boy replied.

Phil shook his head and looked around until he saw a nearby tree. "How about we watch the sunset from underneath that tree?" He asked the boy. "The view should be good."

The boy looked at the tree, then wordlessly walked towards it. Philza quietly followed him, and they both sat down under the tree, leaning on it's trunk as they both munched on the gapples. When the boy finished his, Philza offered another.

"Do you have a home to go home to?" Phil asked the boy.

"I have a shelter," the child said. "Not a home."

Phil was silent for a moment, then he turned to the boy. "I have to go home," he said, then looked at the blond boy. "Would you like to visit? We can offer you a place to stay."

The boy looked at the older male. "You feel like a king," he commented instead of answering the question.

Phil forced himself not to stiffen at the boy's comment and raised a brow. "What makes you say that?" He asked.

"When a king is anointed, that man makes an oath to serve the kingdom with kindness, honesty, grace, strength, and generosity," the boy commented. "They pledge their lives to serving the kingdom until the day they die or until they anoint the next successor." The boy gave a small smile. "You have served me with kindness, honesty, grace, strength, and generosity without wearing a crown."

Phil smiled slightly. "Then what about the kings?" He asked.

"Not all kings have the temperament of a king," the boy replied. "I don't like kings. When kings are anointed, they either become liars or tyrants. Instead of controlling their power, they let power control them." The boy looked at the night sky before getting up to his feet. "Go home. Whether or not I see you again depends on my mother, whether or not she decides I should see you again." The boy smiled at Phil for a moment. "Nice to meet you, King."

"I thought you hated kings?" Phil called to the boy.

"But I don't mind you becoming one," the boy replied. "If we meet again, my name is Tommy."

"Call me Phil, not King," Phil told the boy.

Tommy smiled at Phil before going back to the way he headed to before Phil offered him the golden apples.


"Dadza!" A tall brunet exclaimed as he ran towards the older male who landed on the balcony, a pair of black wings folding on his back as it disappeared and melted into tattoos printed on his back. "Dadza, you're back!"

"What did you find?" A pink-haired male with a golden crown on his head walked forward, tilting his head. He had two earrings on one of his ears and a single one on the other. A pig mask with tusks covered half his face, but he took it off when he faced Philza.

"I got gapples," Phil replied, showing the boys the bag of golden apples with a smile. "And I think I met a friend."

"Really?" The brunet questioned, staring at Phil with wide eyes. "What's his name?"

"Tommy," Phil replied, looking at his current youngest. "I think you'll like him."

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