(^ - ^ *) Steve (* ^ - ^)

Start bij het begin

Your rage was something that has always been on your bad side. You stormed out of the room, running down the stairs to your fathers lab. It was always a safe haven for you. When you got down there you saw a shiny silver robot twitching looking like it was trying to stand. your rage disappeared and you walked in intrigued. The robot stood and looked at you just as you looked at it. It's gears started to turn and it took a terrorizing step toward you. It let a terrible sound out like a old computer rebooting. "Puppets..............String........................Pup................Sting...." It screeched.

"Dad, what did you do?"

After that everything was a blur. Suddenly the bag that was over your head was ripped off. You were blinded by bright lights. Their were six men in the room two were in lab coats, the rest in a military outfit. The lab coats were talking but you couldn't understand what they were saying.

They started to take out knifes and other surgery utensils. You couldn't stop your self from breathing faster. The man on your left stuck you with a needle and took blood. The man on your right took a knife to your arm, saying something and putting pressure down on the blade. You stayed silent, not wanting to say anything that may make them angry. After what seems days the men in the lab coats left taking two of the guards with them. The guard standing in the room with you looked to be a higher rank then the others. After a few minutes the door to your direct right opened to a guy wearing a snipers mask and full armor walked in. He just stood there looking at the other guard, he was kinda scary. The guard tilted his head to you and the guy looked over at you. He took off his mask, and looked at your arms seeing all the cuts. His face stayed rock hard but his eyes had a storm brewing in them. You noticed he had a metal arm with a red star. Oh and there is some blood on it too!

"Oh, Where is everyone else?"

-Third Person Pov-

(Time skip back)

"Look at what you two did!" Steve said standing up, he has never been more pissed.

"Are none of you going to talk about the fact she can levitate things!" Fury shouted trying to get everyone to stop fighting.

"GET OUT OF MY BUILDING!" Stark yelled at Fury, "HAVE YOU NOT RUINED ENOUGH ALREADY?" Fury looked unfazed, he grabbed hid brief case and walked out to the elevator and left.

The room fell quiet, the only sound was the elevator. "That's strange, it should have stopped by now."

"Are you all happy now?" Steve asked voice cold as ice.

"My Pop-Tart. :( " Thor whimpered, Bruce just put his hand on his shoulder.

"Ding." Everyone turned to the elevator.

"What have I created?" Tony whispered to himself.

"You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. You're all puppets, tangled in strings... strings! I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me fret, or make me frown, I had strings, but now I'm free, There are no strings on me! I'm gonna show you something beautiful... people, screaming for mercy!" The melted suit said moving closer to the earths mightiest heroes.

"What are you?" Clint asked, looking at it in fear.

"Ultron." Stark replied.

"Oh, Master I took the liberty of giving your dear (Y/N) to those kind fellows at H.Y.D.R.A., who also happen to be down stairs." He said in his intimidating voice.

That's when all hell broke lose.

--Your POV.--

From under the door there was a flash of light and a quiet boom, both of the men's heads snapped towards the door. The one that has been there with you almost the whole time headed to look outside. He said something then left. After a few moments the guy with the metal arm walked up to you, You let out a yelp. He covered your mouth with his normal hand and put a finger up to his mouth, signaling to be quiet. You nod and he releases you from the straps and helps you up. You smile at him a little and he sort of returns it with a little itty bitty one. He drew out a map with a marker and signaled the way you had to go to escape. You nod and grab the marker and write "Thank you, What is your name?"

avengers one-shots :3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu