-Nice While It Lasted-

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-I wrote this on the first day of autumn, as a tribute to all the changes and oddities I've experienced! New beginnings always tend to make me unnerved, heh! I appreciate all that I'll remain to have regardless of season or year, but still looms goodbyes I know that I'll someday need to say. I don't like goodbyes, and change terrifies me. I hope you enjoy the last poem of this poetry book! I'll still be writing poetry, just in another book! The longer poetry books always did intimidate me as a reader, so I wouldn't want to make anyone else feel that sense of unease too much, eheh!-


Golden dew sticks to the fringes of your eyelashes,

Dripping in destined end as the forest crashes.

The birds are flocking to fields far,

Your eyes are empty as you watch a fading star.

I held your hand 'til dawn took its claim,

Night driven away for sunshine to take in talon tender fame.

As Autumn settles down,

Will you still sweep the leaves off this patch of forgotten ground?

For as years take their untold toll,

As centuries fill out glittering hearts full,

As we patchwork a shattered porcelain bowl,

As we sing and we smile in desperation to fill a frosted hole,

It was nice while it lasted,

But now fades the fires within that flickering coal.

Still carry on in cold so contrasted,

With adventure and a taste,

For old times to carry on in haste.

For my lover to be here by next Summer,

So that we might dance a year dumber.

See you at the end of this unkempt road,

Lined in barren apple trees as Winter creeps into hold.

I'll always love you forever,

Even in the coming of another bitter December.

Know that as the warmth of sunshine kisses you in that faint dawn,

And out of berry bushed brambles hops a yearling fawn,

My heart is ever with you,

Know I miss you,

Know it was always warm alongside you,

Staring into the descending blue,

Mindless in captivating hue.

Please don't dwell in this time trapped witching spell,

For you must know while it lasted,

Not every bit of it was swell.

Still I swear I'll see you on the other side,

Sweet summer friend in whom I could always confide.

It was nice while it lasted,

And I swear I'll see you again sometime all snowy and blizzard blasted.


-Another picture that I've taken, as a farewell gift to this poetry book! It's of a shy mushroom I found! I found myself drawn to the little guy- despite them looking very poisonous -and found it to be very comforting trying to offer them and thei...

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-Another picture that I've taken, as a farewell gift to this poetry book! It's of a shy mushroom I found! I found myself drawn to the little guy- despite them looking very poisonous -and found it to be very comforting trying to offer them and their gang some words of encouragement! I wish I could be apart of a mushroom gang sometimes, heh!-

-Thank you, if you've made it this far. I really do appreciate seeing some of my stuff be read, and I'm glad to have had your company within the metaphorical pages of this poetry book.-

-Have a wonderful day or night, friend!-

-See you around!-

-My Love, Assorted Poetry-Where stories live. Discover now