-Cat Call-

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Pass you by on the sidewalk,

You stopped me there and we began to talk.

Smiling laughing,

I went along,

Chatting up our favorite song.



All too muchy~!

I'm not playful for this kind of thing,

I laugh it off as my head will spin.

Tearing heart around by the seams,

Why can't you just leave me to my daydreams?

"I don't like you,

Leave me be!"

Is what I'd say if being rude weren't such a scrape at decency.

You're just joking,


Prodding and profusely poking.

This isn't what I want it to be,

You have me mixed up in some weird conspiracy!

I don't know the names you say,

Why can't you just let me drift away?

I crave cats and fancy cutlery,

Making memories and mint tea!

I want friends and frisky fire hazards,

I yearn for feline fantasy adventures!

I don't care about stupid teenage drama,

I just wanna write a silly furry saga.

Hormones are dull and feel too awkward,

You asked if I had a phone number and shocker,

I'm not much of a talker.

I just want kitty cuddles under candlelight,

Watching stars and listening to music all night.

Happy flirty faces filled with glee,

All too much for the likes of me.

Give me cats or give me death,

Either way I'll squeal until I have no breath.

Teenage stuff,

Aren't I so relatable?

I'm quirky, unstable, 

And I've had about enough.

Can't I just be left alone,

In my escapist world that I call home?

Cat condos and fur coated couches,

Girl scout cookies and badges for the brooches.

Sweet as I ever wanted to be,

Watch me stumble to establish a single boundary.

No offense but the girls hitting on me are dumb,

Never had a boy do it but it's probably all the same.

These people all kissy never seem to be any sort of fun.

I just want to pet cats at shelters and go get ice cream to go with therapy on Mondays, man.


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